Music / rock

Kumoyo Island

Reviews (3)


d. 9. May 2022



Jesse Locke

d. 9. May 2022

"On their final album, the Japanese psych rockers push beyond the horizons of their previous records. The songs are compact in comparison to their side-long odysseys, but they continually keep you guessing".

Loud and Quiet

d. 2. May 2022



Sam Walton (musikanmelder)

d. 2. May 2022

"... after ten years together, the Japanese psych quintet are now disbanding, with Kumoyo Island their fifth album and swansong.And broadly, what a way to go out: Kumoyo Island is insistent, escapist, dreamlike and ultimately a whole load of fun, full of blazing, overdriven, heads-down grooves ... Kumoyo Island works as an exemplary career full stop".


d. 13. May 2022



Sam Richards

d. 13. May 2022

"It's too easy, these days, to situate yourself squarely in a pre-existing tradition and by slavishly following its rules attempt to claim a bogus authenticity. Kikagaku Moyo are having none of that - not least because doing what you want, and grabbing a little bit of everything like famished pilgrims at a hotel buffet, is much more fun. Having just made their best album, it's a shame that their journey ends here, although you suspect that they'll return in new permutations before too long. For now though, you have to say: mission accomplished".