Music / operetter


Reviews (5)

MusicWeb international

2019 June



Philip Borg-Wheeler

2019 June

"Recommended: Chabrier's delightful comic opera is staged or recorded unbelievably rarely. This disc deserves a resounding welcome merely for existing - silly maybe, but why does such a gem remain neglected? It is cause for champagne that the performance is so excellent ... The players exchange occasional smiles, which suggests that they relish this music for its fun and wit. Fournillier, let me say straight away, is brilliant throughout ... Christophe Mortagne as Ouf is brilliant: hilarious acting and delightful vocal variety ... Stephanie d'Oustrac is superb in the trousers-role Lazuli ... I could not give a higher recommendation to this disc. All concerned have combined their superlative musicianship and stagecraft to give this gem the exposure it so deserves".


2019, nr. 54



Mikael Garnæs

2019, nr. 54

"Her skal vi en tur til det muntre Paris med en operette, hvor der gøres tykt grin med magthaverne, og hormonerne sidder uden på tøjet i en letbenet og pikant handling ... I denne velsmurte forestilling fra Haag holder instruktør Laurent Pelly alle bolden i luften med let og elegant hånd ... Orkesterbehandlingen er noget af det mest spændende ... Hovedrollerne er besat med franske sangere ... De er glimrende alla sammen, ikke mindst Christophe Mortagnes ... og Stephane D'Oustrac".


2019 juin



François Laurent

2019 juin

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2019 May



Tim Ashley

2019 May

"The music is marvellous in its deft wit, lightness of touch and refined yet exquisite sensuality ... d'Oustrac makes a terrific Lazuli, impulsive and witty, wonderfully seductive throughout the role's wide vocal range ... Fournillier has all the grace and lightness of touch that the production sometimes lacks. It's well worth hearing, whatever you think of Pelly's staging".

Fono Forum

2019 Juni



Manuel Brug

2019 Juni

"Eine rare, komische Kostbarkeit ... In Amsterdam ... dirigiert Patrick Fournillier dieses duftige Musiksoufflée von 1877 wie bissfestes Baiser: schaumig, schlürfig, mit knackig schnalzender Rhythmik und pikanter Melodiefüllung ... Und Stéphanie d'Oustrac, Hélène Guilmette, Christopher Mortagne und Jerome Vanier haben viel Komödienspass dabei. So lieben wir sie, die Opernfranzosen".