Music / electronica


Reviews (2)

The guardian

d. 15. Feb. 2019



Kate Hutchinson

d. 15. Feb. 2019

"If any band was going to bounce back from years of acrimonious hiatus with a soundtrack to our troubled times, Ladytron seemed unlikely contenders. Yes, that Ladytron, from Liverpool, whose heavy-lidded, robo-cool vocals defined the electroclash movement of the early 2000s and who haven't released anything since 2011. And yet their eponymous return is an immersive, invigorating and convincingly brooding stomp of disenfranchisement".


d. 31. Mar. 2019



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 31. Mar. 2019

"På det nye album fra den elektronisk orienterede Liverpoolgruppe Ladytron, som tilsyneladende er blevet optaget af at skrive fængende sange og ikke blot skabe delikate landskaber af lyd. Det var egentlig også på tide for bandet, som har været i gang siden 1999. Aktuelle 'Ladytron' er afgjort karrierens mest vellykkede udgivelse".

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