Music / rock


Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 2. Dec. 2014



Michael José Gonzalez

d. 2. Dec. 2014

"Mørkt, mageløst og dragende krigsmesterværk fra Blixa og co. ... I anledning af 100-året for første verdenskrig har Blixa Bargeld og hans kumpaner skabt et værk, der i vanlig stil sprudler af kompromisløs kreativitet. Indledt af over fem et halvt minuts skramlende og knirkende Kriegsmaschinerie, bevæger Lament sig over engelsk-tyske krigshymner til den næsten sanglignende, minimalistisk dragende The Willi-Nicki Telegrams (en humoristisk AutoTune-telegramudveksling mellem Kejser Wilhelm og Zar Nikolaj 2. af Rusland) og folder sig ud som et mørkt, mangefacetteret og besættende værk".

The guardian

d. 4. Dec. 2014



Alexis Petridis

d. 4. Dec. 2014

"Lament's strength lies in the music rather than the amount of historical study that's gone into it, which is just as well: no one ever decided to listen to an album because it was meticulously researched. There are a couple of moments when the concept overshadows the music - Der 1 Welkreig (Percussion Version), in which a variety of plastic pipes are bashed in order to represent the entry of different countries into the war, requires a kind of chart in the CD booklet to explain what's going on - but for the most part, what's striking about Lament is how well the music would work divorced from its source material".