Music / folk

Laws of motion

Reviews (4)

The observer

d. 14. Oct. 2018



Neil Spencer

d. 14. Oct. 2018

"Compassion is the thread that runs through the songs; there in a title track about migration co-written with Lau's Martin Green and Sydney Carter's anti-war The Crow on the Cradle. Polwart's clear, bell-like vocals have a narrator's ease and brother Steven (guitar) and Inge Thomson (accordion and more) supply atmosphere. Revisiting her childhood terror of nuclear war ("Protect and Survive" et al) is perhaps fighting yesterday's battles; otherwise, a flawless outing".

Roots zone

d. 27. Feb. 2019



Claus Hellgren Larsen

d. 27. Feb. 2019

"Med så god en sangstemme kunne skotske Karine Polwart for så vidt synge om hvad som helst og alligevel have min opmærksomhed. At hun her på sit nye album så også har skrevet nogle engagerede sange, gør helheden ekstra virkningsfuld ... Polwart får musikalsk hjælp af broderen Steven Polwart, Inge Thomson samt Martin Green fra trioen Lau, og hele albummet er velproduceret i et moderne lydbillede med Karine Polwarts smukke stemme i centrum. Det fungerer som behagelig baggrundsmusik, men teksterne og fortællingerne giver en værdifuld dimension - hvor alvorlige og påtrængende de end måtte være".

The quietus

d. 24. Oct. 2018



Tom Bolton

d. 24. Oct. 2018

"Another triumph from Polwart: powerful tales of war, hope, history and unknown futures ... Polwart's inventiveness is unfettered on Laws Of Motion, but the result is not only musically and instrumentally rich, but uncommonly focused. Music for our times".


2018-2019 Winter



Bob Walton

2018-2019 Winter

"Karine and her musical partners are clearly comfortable with each other, and the arrangements don't go far beyond the sound the trio can and does produce live on stage. There's a freshness and sense of urgency that makes Laws Of Motion as much a remarkable landmark album as Faultlines was all those years ago, and all the more so considering the many other strings to her bow. It's time Karine Polwart was truly acknowledged as a National Treasure".