Music / operafilm

Le Comte Ory

Reviews (17)


2012, nr. 26



Mikael Garnæs

2012, nr. 26

"Meget kød er der ikke på historien, men musikken bobler muntert derudad, og ikke mindst giver operaen den enestående Rossini-tenor Juan Diego Flórez lejlighed til at brillere ... Det er Flórez' show. Han er på scenen næsten konstant, og ... kan synge forte eller piano efter behag og afleverer det ene fyrværkeri af toneguirlander efter det andet ... Diana Damrau og Joyce DiDonato matcher ham i virtuositet ... Iscenesættelsen ved Bartlett Sher sprudler ikke på samme måde, men det er pænt og smagfuldt alt sammen".

MusicWeb international

2019 June



Roy Westbrook

2019 June

"Le Comte Ory, Rossini's penultimate opera, and his final comic masterpiece, premiered in 1828 ... At this 2017 production of the Opéra Comique, this scenario was updated to the time of the opera's composition, with French military expeditions to Algeria replacing the Crusades ... Stage director Denis Podalydès and costume designer Christian Lacroix do, though, provide settings and characters that are interesting to look at ... The singers make a strong team. The Isolier of mezzo-soprano Gaëlle Arquez shines in the travesty role, looking and sounding well. Julie Fuchs's Comtesse Adèle sings enchantingly, with a lovely sound ... I would not easily relinquish this very recommendable performance for its generally excellent style and scale, and near-ideal francophone cast. Conductor Louis Langrée leads the Orchestre des Champs-Élysées and the singers of Les éléments with sparkle and drive".

MusicWeb international

2019 May



Robert J. Farr

2019 May

"My frustration in respect of costumes is compounded by the positives being of such a high order, both in respect of the singing and, more important still, of the orchestral contribution under Louis Langrée who makes Rossini's music sparkle as I have too rarely heard it. All of the singers act their roles well and the excellence of their singing often matches the quality of their acting".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2014) 33. årgang nr. 1



Henrik Marcussen

(2014) 33. årgang nr. 1

"I en sådan almengyldig historie ... flyttes 700 år her nemt til en fransk provins anno befrielsesåret 1945 i en herlig 'allo-allo' agtig farce ... Der er overdådig spillelyst ... Uanset alle disse grotesk festlige falbelader, er der alligevel den fornødne musikalsk-vokale disciplin der sikrer Le Comte Ory som en afbalanceret totaloplevelse af herlig morskab og samtidig stor musikalsk nydelse".


2014, nr. 34



Steen Chr. Steensen

2014, nr. 34

"Plottet er tyndt - effekten er fuldfed boblende glæde ... Instruktør-makkerparret arbejder så gennemmusikalsk ... og skaber effekter, som ville få Rossini til at hoppe højt af glæde ... Der er en smittende friskhed over denne udgave ... Muhai Tang sørger for, at musikken sprudler ... Kronen på værket er sangerne med Cecilia Bartoli og Javier Camarena i de to førende roller".

BBC music magazine

2012 June



Calum MacDonald

2012 June

"Vurdering: BBC Music dvd choice" - "Bartlett Sher's production is wise, witty and completely faithful to the spirit of the piece ... As Adèle, Diana Damrau is peerless, giving a bravura comic performance ... and who could ask for a more winning Ory than Juan Diego Flórez ... Delicious".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2012) 31. årgang nr. 1



Henrik Marcussen

(2012) 31. årgang nr. 1

"På fransk, men stadig sprudlende italiensk i musikalsk vid og veloplagt charme ... En vanvittig historie som kunne være skrevet af Monthy Pyton holdet ... Scenen med den halsbrækkende trio mod slutningen, mens der rodes rundt i den store seng, er helt uforlignelig. Det er netop denne trio der opsamler det herligste trekløver af tidens bedste bel canto stemmer: DiDonato, der med fejlfri teknik smyger sig op og ned, ud og ind af såvel vokale som gymnastiske veje; Florez der skønt maskeret som munk ... prompte afsløres ved sit blændende vokale talent ... Endelig Damrau der som en sand lady sætter topstandard med smukke udsmykninger og glasfuld, adræt luksuskoloratur ... Stjernebestrøet lækkerbisken".


2019 été



Didier van Moere

2019 été


2019, nr. 54



Steen Chr. Steensen

2019, nr. 54

"Det kræver lige dele troldmandskunst og virtuoseri at løfte denne opera dramaturgisk, så den kan svæve muntert og poetisk i godt to timer. Det lykkes næsten for den fransk instruktør Denis Podalydès ... Til gengæld lykkes det 100 procent for dirigenten Louis Langré sammen med det franske orkester Champs-Élysées og koret Les Éléments at skabe en frodig strøm af musikalsk underfundighed, energi og virkelig vittige effekter ... Sangligt er der meget at glæde sig over ... Niveauet er højt musikalsk, og der er mange tilløb til gode sceniske pointer, men luft under vingerne får operaen ikke".

BBC music magazine

2019 June



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2019 June

"Rossini's final comedy is given a knockabout reading in this 2017 staging ... where the director Denis Podalydès ... moves the action forwards, for no very obvious reason, from the period of the Crusades to the time of the work's composition (1828) ... There are some good vocal performances along the way. Philippe Talbot's light and graceful would-be seducer Ory can get around the notes and crucially possesses facitlity at the top of his range ... One of the best musical features is the playing of the period-instrument Orchestre des Champs-Elysées under Louis Langrée, who make Rossini's score shine as brightly as a button".

The gramophone

2014 August



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2014 August

"Bartoli's vocal registers may not be quite as finely 'matched' as one might hope for ... but the combination of classy singing and delighted playing quickly has one setting such quibbles aside ... [Tang] leads with precision and point ... [and] is capable of drawing sounds of rare beauty from the period instruments of the Orchestra La Scintilla".

BBC music magazine

2014 August



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2014 August

"I'm not sure, though, that Leiser and Caurier don't go one step too far with the sex-farce elelments of the piece ... Musical standards are high, with Tang and the orchestra bouncing the score merrily along".

Vurdering (performance): 4/5.

Vurdering (picture & sound): 5/5.

Fono Forum

2012 April



Manuel Brug

2012 April

"Puren Spass macht die tolle Farce vom "Comte Ory" ... Rossinis krachige Komödie ... angeleitet von dem munteren Maurizio Benini haben lauter la-Vokalisten wie Juan Diego Flórez, die als Osterei verkleiderte Diana Damrau und Joyce DiDonato als notgeiler Page eine wunderbare Buffa-Zeit".

The gramophone

2012 July



Richard Orborne

2012 July

"The cast is certainly distinguished ... Not since the 1950's has there been a singer better able to cope with the phallocentric Count's billings and cooings than Juan Diego Flórez, Diana Damrau, a coloratura possessed of breeding as well as presence, makes a superb Countess Adèle, and the irrepressible Joyce DiDonato gives a properly testosterone-fuelled performance ... As Ory and his men observe: What an excellent piece of folly! It's charming, it's divine!".

International record review

2012 June



Robert Levine (musikanmelder)

2012 June

"The music is endlessly witty, rhythmically ever-changing, unexspectedly mellow at times, and spicy with woodwinds ... What a cast the Met has put together! The title role is taken by Juan Diego Flórez, handsome, sly and tonally shiny, tossing off high notes as if they were easy ... There is only one competing dvd ... but this one is way ahead of it".

Fono Forum

2019 Juni



Manuel Brug

2019 Juni

"Dieser Pikant-burleske, musikalisch meisterlich moussierende Schwank wurde an der Pariser Opèra Comique abgefilmt ... mit einem hervorragenden Vokalensemble. Denis Podalydès verlegt mit viel Komödiensympathie die sinnenfrohe Geschichte ins prüde, aber geile 19. Jahrhundert ... Gräfin Adèle singt Julie Fuchs mit lächelnder Koloraturattitüde ... Philippe Talbot gibt einen testosterongesteuerten Grafen, und Louis Langrée dirigiert mit Finesse das Orchestre des Champs-Élysées".

The gramophone

2019 June



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2019 June

"Rossini's sublimely amusing late comedy Le Comte Ory is very much a game of two halves ... In this recent Paris staging, it is the second act which delights rather more than the first ... The Opéra Comique's Francophone cast is led by Julie Fuchs's sweet-toned Countess ... Talbot is excellent, though I can't understand why he muffles many of Ory's glistening high Cs ... Of the several DVD rivals, it is the Zurich Opera staging ... which continues to have pride of place".