Music / opera

Les pêcheurs de perles

Reviews (3)

Kulturradio RBB

d. 22. June 2018



Matthias Käther

d. 22. June 2018

"Knackige zwei Stunden Musik, alles entwickelt sich musikalisch mit einem Affentempo, die Leidenschaften kochen, und plötzlich ist dann doch es eine richtig spannende Oper, trotz pseudoexotischem Kitschroman ... Das Besondere an dieser Aufnahme aus Lille ist, das sie wirklich durchweg französisch besetzt ist ... Klarer Heimvorteil, das Idiom triumphiert, man versteht, was an dieser Musik spannend ist. Julie Fuchs- eine fantastische lyrische Stimme, die dennoch Koloraturen zwitschern kann, und ein grossartiger Tenor, Cyrille Dubois".

BBC music magazine

2018 August



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2018 August

"Dubois is distinctly French in the timbre of his voice and his singing style, and if Fuchs tends to spread under pressure she is lyrical when required and her coloratura is formidable ... The vocal honours really belong to the chorus, Les Cris de Paris. Here's committed singing that reminds us that Bizet's story is not just about passion and jealousy but also about a community clinging to the shoreline in search of a perilous and uncertain livelihood".

The gramophone

2018 August



Mark Pullinger

2018 August

"Editor's choice - Recording of the month: Bloch conducts the Orchestre National de Lille in a vivid account of the score, with muscular playing driving the faster music (a terrific storm) and the exotic dance numbers ... But it's the casting of the central trio of characters where this recording triumphs, with no grit in the musical oyster ... Dubois is an outstanding Nadir ... Fuchs's Leïla is no less delectable ... Sempey is a superb Zurga ... With Luc Bertin-Hugault's sturdy high priest, it's a fine cast ... and immediately claims top spot on my shelves".