Music / rock


Reviews (2)





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Life was a long time coming. Culture Club began work on a reunion album in 2014, recording a bunch of tracks with Youth, but that project was scrapped by 2016. Instead, the group decided to retain some of the songs, pluck a few tunes originally planned for a Boy George solo record, add some new cuts, and record all of them as Life, their first album in nearly 20 years ... Boy George maintains his wit without avoiding feeling. His voice, a bit lower and gravelly after all these years but still powerful, gives this often slick music a real human dimension, and helps the album live up to its title: this is the music of a life, maintaining memory, focused on the future while living in the present".


d. 26. Oct. 2018



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 26. Oct. 2018

" [Boy George] og Culture Club har begået et album nærmest uden liv. Ja, åbningsnummeret 'God & Love' lyder faktisk udmærket med kølig elektronisk charme, men det lover for meget, for blandt de resterende 10 skæringer må man lede forgæves efter vellyd og gode idéer. At Boy George stort set har mistet stemmen, gør ikke oplevelsen større. Skuffende".