Music / blues

Little black flies

Reviews (3)

Blues rock review

d. 29. July 2021



Willie Witten

d. 29. July 2021

"Little Black Flies impresses from cover to cover. There are no weak songs. As with any album, some tracks will appeal more to some listeners as opposed to others, but for anyone who likes blues, soul, or funk, the mix of genres should be very appealing. The triple threat of Eddie 9V, his band, and his brother Lane Kelly create some lush, raw, and colorful music that is leaps and bounds ahead of Left My Soul In Memphis. And that album was also high quality. This is the type of album that can put an artist on the map".

Glide magazine

d. 29. May 2021



Gary Schwind

d. 29. May 2021

"Eddie 9V is something of an anomaly. He is only 24 years old, yet his music has a distinct old-time feel to it. It feels like he discovered his parents old soul and blues records and did his best to emulate it. It's fair to say that he's done a pretty decent job. He blends soul and blues in a way that makes it seem like his music could have been recorded 50 years ago ... This is an album that deserves to be played at irresponsible volumes. It is your jam for those days when you just need to forget everything and boogie".

Blues blast magazine

d. 25. July 2021



Anita Schlank

d. 25. July 2021

"There really is not a significant flaw anywhere on this album ... This album will make you want to find out where Eddie 9V is playing next, and then do everything you can to attend the show. It will also make you want to root for him to win that Sean Costello Rising Star Award for which he was not surprisingly nominated".

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