Music / evergreen

Love for sale


Summary: Celebrating ten years since they first recorded together, Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga returned to the studio for another collaboration featuring the very best of the Cole Porter songbook. The album features duets as well as solo performances by both artists accompanied by Tony Bennett's quartet, the Brian Newman Quintet, along with big band and orchestral arrangements by Marion Evans and Jorge Callandrelli.

Reviews (5)

The guardian

d. 30. Sep. 2021



Alexis Petridis

d. 30. Sep. 2021

"Album of the week" - "If it's never going to supplant Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Cole Porter Song Book in anyone's affections, Love for Sale underlines that Lady Gaga can creditably sing jazz. Whether she chooses to again, without Bennett, is anyone's guess. And if you're unlikely to reach for it over, say, The Beat of My Heart or his late 50s work with Count Basie, it isn't a bad way for Bennett to bid farewell".

The line of best fit

d. 5. Oct. 2021



Ross Horton

d. 5. Oct. 2021

"Diving into a catalogue as rich and varied as Tony Bennett's might seem like a daunting task, but there's no better place to start than this - his 61st and final studio album. Love For Sale is many things: a second studio collaboration with Lady Gaga, an homage to Cole Porter, and actually a rather charming album of jazz standards".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"The contrast is clear: Gaga sings with total awareness of the audience, hitting her marks with a sense of flair, while Bennett is pleasing the crowd with casual charm. It's a nice dynamic, one that gives the album a pulse and helps distract from the slight air of televised variety shows that permeate the record. This isn't a record where the songs and arrangements are at the forefront, it's an album that's all about the show and spectacle. Its pleasures are slightly fleeting but they're pleasures all the same".


d. 9. Oct. 2021



Henrik Palle

d. 9. Oct. 2021

"Lady Gaga og Tony Bennett synger duetter (...) på albummet 'Love for Sale'. Det er Bennetts sidste udgivelse, og den kan begge være bekendt ... Det er et ualmindelig stærkt og smukt udvalg af sange, der tilsammen udgør 'Love for Sale', Tony Bennett og Lady Gagas andet fælles album ... det (...) er Bennetts proklamerede svanesang efter en mere end otte årtier lang karriere (...) Men det forhindrer ikke Bennett i at demonstrere sit vokale mesterskab ved hjælp af frasering, beherskelse af beat og betoning af tekst. Sine steder er det aldeles sublimt at høre, hvordan less vitterlig bliver more i kraft af croonerens skrøbeligt delikate fortolkning af sange fra ungdommens vår og verden af i går ... 'Love for Sale' er en rigtig dejlig plade. Fordi Gaga og Bennett klæder hinanden som ferskner og flødeskum, fordi sangene er vidunderlige, og fordi de formår at fjerne tidens tikken for en stund. Det er et værdigt farvel fra den sidste af de store gamle croonere".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 20. Oct. 2021



Andreo Michaelo Mielczarek

d. 20. Oct. 2021

"Med et 'The night is young' kaster Tony Bennett sig ind i første sang på hans og Lady Gagas andet fælles album ... Ballroom-musik, elegant jazzswing, perler for de danseglade - sådan er det stadig, når han og hans 35-årige sangkollega leverer drømme med navne som 'I Got You Under My Skin' og 'Night and Day'. Stemmen har stadig charme, brus og gåpåmod, selvom han siger, at det nok er sidste gang, han har kastet sig ud i et pladeprojekt".