Music / rock


Reviews (3)

The line of best fit

d. 24. Apr. 2015



George Meixner

d. 24. Apr. 2015

"If you are a folkster, partial to the land of the mounty, then The Weather Station will tick all your boxes. The atmosphere is very light and airy, in sound if not in subject, which means it requires a few listens to dial in on the lyrics and find the extra levels of depth that are certainly available. It could be argued it requires too much work, and might sit better to be filed under `just sounds nice on a sunny day as long as you don't think about it too hard', but to judge its qualities' by the weather would be a harsh sentence to pass".


d. 5. May 2015



Grayson Haver Currin

d. 5. May 2015

"These 11 tunes are expressions of woes that you can't quite correct but can't let go, either, worries that plague you but push you onward, too. These are public folk songs about the private problems-breakups and makeups, depressions and deaths-we've all suffered".

Gaffa [online]

d. 17. July 2015



Finn P. Madsen

d. 17. July 2015

"Det tredje album fra The Weather Station kræver sin lytter. Loyalty er næsten nedbaret til det rene skære ingenting, og tempoet foregår på det fleste sange langt under hvilepuls. Bag navnet gemmer sig Tamara Lindeman, og hun kan sin Joni Mitchell og Leonard Cohen til fingerspidserne. Ikke at hun kopierer, tværtimod har hun et kuld sange, som er både forslåede, men også krystalliserende i al deres sødmefulde indpakning ... Loyalty er et oprigtigt smukt udspil, hvor man føler, at kunstneren er umanerligt til stede med al sin personlighed".