Film / operafilm

Madama Butterfly

Reviews (10)

MusicWeb international

2019 February



Robert Cummings (musikanmelder)

2019 February

"Recommended: It seems that most successful opera productions have at least one outstanding lead singer who distinguishes the effort from estimable or from merely competent performances. That is the case here as Albanian soprano Ermonela Jaho turns in an outstanding performance to make this a very special Madama Butterfly ... Her voice matches her fragility and innocence ... Her dramatic skills are impressive ... Antonio Pappano is one of the better Puccini conductors before the public today. He seems always aware of the emotional flow of the music, phrasing it to heighten its drama and beauty ... and in the end drawing excellent playing from the ROH Orchestra and fine singing from the chorus ... The production is traditional, having costuming and sets that place the story in late 19th century Japan ... So, this new Opus Arte effort from Covent Garden is my current choice for this opera on video. Even though a few cast members are good but not great, the performance by Ms. Jaho and contribution by Pappano and company elevate this effort to the status of outstanding".

MusicWeb international

2019 January



Roy Westbrook

2019 January

"This is a fine film of an excellent performance of Madama Butterfly ... conducted here for the first time by ... Antonio Pappano, with a strong cast. It is a traditional production, set in Nagasaki in the early 20th century ... This performance is a triumph for Ermonela Jaho. Her stage make-up and the many filmed close-ups do her no favours, as is often the case in opera, but it is her oustanding singing that matters, as well as the detail of her acting ... Pappano's reputation as a Puccini conductor stands very high ... This issue ... further bolsters his Puccinian credentials. The ROH Orchestra plays very well indeed for him".


2019, nr. 53



Steen Chr. Steensen

2019, nr. 53

"Iscenesætter-makkerparret Moshe Leiser og Patrice Caurie ... har valgt en scenisk mininalisme, der strengt taget består af baggrundsskærme, der kan køre op og ned, så man ser forskellige smukke landskabsbilleder og blomstermotiver i horisonten. Og mere skal der måske ikke til, hvis det er personernes karakterer og det psykologiske, der er i fokus, og hvis man har det rette hold sangere til sin rådighed. Her kommer opsætningen til kort ... Det bliver både forudsigelig kedeligt og æstetisk rent ... Der er lidt hjælp at hente hos sangerne ... mens skuespillet hælder til klichéerne ... Dirigenten Antonio Pappano ... står i spidsen for et orkester, der leverer både følsomt og storladents spil. Det ægte drama kommer fra orkestergraven, men det er ikke nok".

BBC music magazine

2018 Christmas



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2018 Christmas

"Pappano is particularly alert to Puccini borrowing traditional Japanese melodies; at times he makes you hear this score, as well as the drama on stage, as a tug of war between East and West ... Ermonela Jaho is suitably girlish for a teenage bride ... Marcelo Puente sings Pinkerton carefully, but ... it's Sharpless and Suzuki who steal the show - a consul with a tender conscience from Scott Hendricks and Elizabeth DeShong as a maid who could melt the stoniest of hearts".


2019 février



Emmanuel Dupuy

2019 février


2011 avril



Michel Parouty

2011 avril

"On apprécie la clarté et la simplicité de cette lecture intimiste ... La direction de Patrick Summers, élégante mais superficielle ... Patricia Racette, elle, chante avec goût et honnête".

The gramophone

2018 December



Mark Pullinger

2018 December

"Editor's choice: Ermonela Jaho, the Albanian soprano, is one of the great singing actresses of our time ... Her portrayal of the tragic Cio-Cio-San is no less moving ... Her suicide is devastating ... set before a giant branch of weeping cherry blossoms, and had me in pieces, both in the house and here on screen. Jaho's vocal performance is touching ... well supported by Elizabeth DeShong's feisty, sympathetic Suzuki ... Pappano ... draws ardent playing from the ROH Orchestra, superbly detailed in its commentaries ... The production's simplicity allows one to focus on the central performances and, with a Butterfly as heartbreaking as Ermonela Jaho's, it serves its purpose handsomely".

Fono Forum

2012 April



Manuel Brug

2012 April

"Sehr zu empfehlen ... Kitschfrei, in wenigen, leuchtenden Kostümfarben gelingt hier eine traditionelle Adaption, die noch mit ihren Nô-Mitteln wie dem von schwarzen Puppenspielern geführten Holzkind und den reduzierten Kulissen immer wieder überrascht ... Bieten solide, grosse Operndramatik ohne viel Feinpolitur".

BBC music magazine

2011 October



Michael Scott Rohan

2011 October

"Minghella's ENO production looks colourful at the Met. Giordano's debonair Pinkerton outclasses Racette's emotionally unconvincing Butterfly".

Vurdering (performance): 4/5.

Vurdering (picture & sound): 5/5.

International record review

2011 March



Robert Levine (musikanmelder)

2011 March

"It is exquisitely designed by Michael Levine ... Patricia Racette's Butterfly is magnificent ... Both sound and picture are splendid ... The choice is pretty obvious - it's the one from the Met".