Music / rock

Made up mind

Reviews (2)





Thom Jurek


"Made Up Mind is tight; it maintains the gritty, steamy, Southern heart displayed on Revelator, but the growth in songwriting, arrangement, and production is immeasurable. Everything these players have assimilated throughout their individual careers is filtered through a group consciousness. When it expresses itself musically, historical and cultural lineages are questioned and answered incessantly in the tension of their dialogue, creating a sound that is not only instantly recognizable, but offers a nearly limitless set of sonic possibilities".

All about jazz

d. 31. Aug. 2013



John Kellman

d. 31. Aug. 2013

"TTB has become, at once, both tighter and even more relaxed. Trucks remains the predominant soloist, and his slide playing continues to evolve at an almost alarming rate, executing huge intervallic leaps with absolutely perfect intonation, for example, but never for the sake of it. Because it's music - the joy of making it, the joy of performing it live and the joy of simply being in it - that clearly drives Tedeschi Trucks Band".