Music / kor

Messe solennelle

Reviews (5)

Gapplegate Classical-Modern music review

d. 21. Nov. 2019



Grego Applegate Edwards

d. 21. Nov. 2019

"No other Mass sounds quite like this one and the detailed sonics and high-level performances we hear on this version reminds us how good all that can be with the right circumstances. This is such a one ... Highly and gladly recommended as an essential".

Fono Forum

2020 Februar



Bernd Feuchtner

2020 Februar

"Hervé Niquet ist bekennender Berliozianer ... Die historischen Instrumente entfalten dort ihre ganze Kraft und zeigen ... Berlioz' so früh entwickelte Raumvorstellung. In sanften Wellen intonieren Sopran Adriana Gonzales und Bass Andreas Wolf mit dem Chor das Incarnatus ... Spirituell entflammt, realisiert Hervé Niquet die unglaubliche, tobende Originalität dieses Werk. Julian Behrs lyrischer Tenor entfaltet sich sanft schmelzend im Agnus Dei".

BBC music magazine

2020 March



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2020 March

"Hervé Niquet's recording is an honest piece of work ... Most noticeably, Niquet tips the balance between choir and orchestra in favour of the latter ... I do slightly prefer the choral superiority, which allows the words to be heard ... So, sadly, I feel honesty here is not quite enough".


2020 janvier



Gérard Condé

2020 janvier

The gramophone

2020 February



Mike Ashman

2020 February

"[Niquet] sounds scarcely able to contain his impatience before being able to record this new performance ... Le Concert Spirituel's version is both quicker and smoother than Gardiner's. While not avoiding any of the daring harmonic clashes that must have pinned back ears in the 1820s, it enjoys them rather less than Gardiner. The effect is more intimate and chapel-like. The choir are courageous, especially the sopranos ... Overall it's a stirring occasion and Niquet's passion is clearly realised".