Music / kor


Reviews (66)





Blair Sanderson


"This set is highly recommended for aficionados of recordings of Messiah and newcomers alike".

2020 August



Curtis Rogers

2020 August

"Rademann uses historical instruments and performance practice ... but even so he secures such a fresh and lithe reading of the whole score that it certainly strikes the ears anew ... Here rhythms and articulation are spontaneously, lightly sprung as though one is hearing the work for the first time ... The vocal quartet adopts a generally collegiate and sober demeanour in their delivery ... For anybody who cares about this work as anything other than a tired staple of Christmas festivities ... this recording will be a revelation - both on account of its musical text and its interpretative style ... There is an undeniably subtle beauty in this account which is hard to resist. That alone justifies its addition to the already extensive Messiah discography".





Blair Sanderson


"Anyone seeking a satisfying period interpretation of Messiah would do well to try this exceptional recording, which has clearly been a labor of love as well as a well-researched scholarly effort".


d. 1. Mar. 2014



John Christiansen

d. 1. Mar. 2014

"Niels Borksands Händel-fortælling indeholder netop det, som de fleste kender og elsker. Opførelsen udmærker sig ved en naturlighed i udtrykket ... Korets indsats er smuk og levende, og den danske solistkvartets indsats så betydelig, at man endnu engang må spørge, hvorfor der så ofte skal hentes udenlandske sangere hertil ... Alle fire solister, kor og orkester og Niels Borksand får indhold, liv og fortælling frem på en overbevisende ægte måde".





Blair Sanderson


"Even though this recording has been issued on two CDs, the reproduction is first-rate and quite as transparent and resonant as a super audio recording. Highly recommended".

DR musik

2009 uge 51



Jens Cornelius

2009 uge 51

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Årets jule-Messias kommer fra moderlandet England og bliver sunget og spillet af musikere, der virkelig kan deres kram ... Korets stifter Stephen Layton ... borger for en opførelse af høj standard med sans for den engelske Messias-tradition".

Presto classical

d. 22. Dec. 2023



Katherine Cooper

d. 22. Dec. 2023

"Recording of the week: Nelson's every interpretative decision seems to be rooted in his deep emotional engagement with these familiar texts, coupled with a reluctance to impose his own personality on the score for its own sake ... The clarity of the sound, too, is quite exceptional, despite the notoriously tricky acoustic: there's not so much as a hint of soupiness or blurred lines across the whole three hours".

DR musik

2012 uge 52


2012 uge 52

"Vurdering: Ugens cd".

The observer

d. 5. Dec. 2020



Fiona Maddocks

d. 5. Dec. 2020

A covetable new recording of Handel's Messiah (Pentatone), the traditional Christmas work despite its Passiontide credentials, with spirited, lean performances from the Rias Kammerchor Berlin and Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, conducted by Justin Doyle, with top soloists Julia Doyle, Tim Mead, Thomas Hobbs and Roderick Williams".

MusicWeb international

2020 November



Mike Parr (musikanmelder)

2020 November

"Recording of the month: How pleasant it is to be able to welcome this fine new recording of Handel's Messiah ... The sound of this Messiah is among the most perfectly transparent I have heard on any recording come across over the years ... Fine sound alone does not necessarily a good recording make but I am pleased report that this is a finely performed account of the Messiah from all concerned. The ever-exemplary period ensemble Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin are simply superb under the baton of Julian Doyle. This Messiah is fleet and sure-footed on its journey ... The soloists are an excellent assembly of mostly young voices all caught at their peak ... This is a very impressive all around recording of the Messiah which advances to the front rank of the authentic instrument versions".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 9. Dec. 2019



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 9. Dec. 2019

"Savall har styr på tingene i sin "Messias", der glæder med mange fine fraseringer og detaljer. Også de fire sangere - sopranen Rachel Redmond, kontratenoren Damien Guillon, tenoren Nicholas Mulroy og barytonen Matthias Winckhler - gør en god figur i deres partier ... Koret synger veloplagt, og finalen med det jublende amen-kor har den rette schwung over sig. Dertil kommer, at lyden - optagelserne er foretaget i det kongelige kapel i Versailles i december 2017 - er fortræffelig".


d. 12. Dec. 2019



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 12. Dec. 2019

"Det er ingen sag at blive begejstret over Jordi Savall ... Bevæbnet med sit barokinstrument, gamben, formidlende gammel og abstrakt musik. Varmt, minutiøst og interessant. Hans nye version af Händels 'Messias' har nøjagtig de kvaliteter ... Men som samtidig har fire dramatiske solister med, der maler voldsomme lydbilleder af bibeldramatik ... Savalls opskrift er simpel: Det lille barokorkester spiller hurtigt og sprødt på lette fødder, mens de fire sangsolister får lov at vride deres følende arier og forklarende recitativer til det yderste. Mens Savalls catalanske kor, Capella Reial de Catalunya, lægger slanke og effektive konstateringer rundt om. De er 20 i koret, så der er ikke noget, som svulmer op eller bliver opblæst her ... Musikken har en fantastisk lethed, hvor ensemble og kor bevæger sig fremad sammen, som om de danser rundt på en sky".


d. 11. Dec. 2007



Thomas Michelsen

d. 11. Dec. 2007

"Her kommer en Messias af den gamle, for ikke at sige forældede skole. Der er tilsyneladende intet som helst sket på denne front, fra Colin Davis indspillede det armygrønne lp-bokssæt af Messias, jeg voksede op med, og til han sidste år i december live-indspillede oratoriet med det samme orkester, London Symfonikerne, og et nyt solisthold ... Det er tidens trend, at de store orkestre udkommer live på egne plademærker, men i dette tilfælde kan resultatet ikke anbefales".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 28. Mar. 2012



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 28. Mar. 2012

"En live-optagelse fra Leiden i Holland, anno 1994, og det er englændere, der bærer Händels mest elskede værk hjem - ikke helt sikkert i alle passager ... Men i en fremførelse, der i øvrigt har en del at byde på, er det til at leve med ... The Choir of King's College fra Cambridge synger godt ... Blandt solisterne hæfter man sig navnlig ved Lynne Dawsons sikre og smukt klingende sopran".


d. 8. Dec. 2014



Jens Povlsen

d. 8. Dec. 2014

"På denne nye udgave lader Emmanuelle Haïm fire veloplagte solister synge julen ind med historisk stil og vibratofri strygere. Händels instrumentale linjer tegnes skarpt op ... Men hans slankeudgave mangler sprødhed, fylde og smag for rigtigt at gøre sig bemærket som et seriøst bud på det populære juleoratorium".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 28. Mar. 2012



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 28. Mar. 2012

"En live-optagelse fra Leiden i Holland, anno 1994, og det er englændere, der bærer Händels mest elskede værk hjem - ikke helt sikkert i alle passager ... Men i en fremførelse, der i øvrigt har en del at byde på, er det til at leve med ... The Choir of King's College fra Cambridge synger godt ... Blandt solisterne hæfter man sig navnlig ved Lynne Dawsons sikre og smukt klingende sopran".

Berlingske tidende

d. 20. Dec. 2005



Søren Kassebeer

d. 20. Dec. 2005


d. 9. Dec. 2020



Thomas Michelsen

d. 9. Dec. 2020

"Det er december, og det er tid til 'Messias' ... Gode indspilninger er der nok af ... Den britiske dirigent Justin Doyle dirigerer to af Tysklands topensembler, Rias Kammerchor og Akademie für alte Musik Berlin, og her går man ikke galt i byen, hvis man ønsker sig en mainstream-indspilning af 'Messias' på nutidige præmisser ... Man får lyden af barokinstrumenter, forbilledligt håndteret af Akademie für alte Musik, og med Rias-kammerkoret er man oppe på det høje niveau for korsang, vi er vant til herhjemme ... Justin Doyle leder en homogen kvartet af solister, hvor kun sopranen Julia Doyle står lidt svagt ... mens især kontratenoren Tim Mead klinger helt vidunderligt ... Når koret synger 'Glory to God in the highest', lyder det rigtig flot, og 'Halleluja'-koret sidder lige i skabet".


d. 26. Dec. 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 26. Dec. 2006

"En tenor, der kan lade tonen vokse som et lys ud af julenattens mørke. En kontra, der lægger sig som en svagt maskulin skygge, ja næsten som et alter ego, op ad altsolisten. Korsangere, der fraserer med overskud også i langsomme tempi. Og en dirigent, der former mere plastisk, end man er vant til at opleve i det oratorium, vi danskere er blevet helt afhængige af at høre til jul. Man vil få nogle pirrende musikalske aha-oplevelser, hvis man køber denne cd".


d. 11. Dec. 2007



Thomas Michelsen

d. 11. Dec. 2007

"Denne, udgivet i England sidste år, er et rigtig godt bud, hvis du står og mangler en version af Händels oratorium til cd-samlingen. Historiske instrumenter og et fint, klart og tydeligt lille 12-stemmers kor bærer barokspecialisten John Butts indspilning, der er præget af omhyggelige, levende tempi. Resultatet er stærkt, men ikke svulstigt. På én gang dejligt, overskueligt og interessant at lytte til, mens klejnerne vrides og gløggen smages til ... Ganske fremragende. Fire hjerter er ikke ét for meget".


d. 20. Feb. 2002


d. 20. Feb. 2002

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 9. Dec. 2009



Jakob Holm

d. 9. Dec. 2009

"Stephen Layton, der står bag, og han og hans tropper formår at levere en "Messias", der er let i tonen, perlende frisk og samtidig fokuseret på værkets åndelige indhold. For Layton er gennemsigtighed vigtigere end kraftfuld effekt, og det resulterer i en eksemplarisk balance mellem det fint spillende Britten Sinfonia og koret Polyphony, der synger med stor sikkerhed og dejlig luft ... Det er mesterligt. Anbefalelsesværdigt".


d. 5. Dec. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 5. Dec. 2007

"En live opførelse med London Symphony Orchestra, som ikke netop er det ensemble, som man forventer den ideelle Händel af, men det er blevet en herligt levende optagelse, som kan anbefales til alle undtagen de mest hårdføre tilhængere af originalinstrumenter ... Det er højtideligt i en smuk jordhøjde".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 12. Dec. 2007



Mikael Garnæs

d. 12. Dec. 2007

BBC music magazine

2008 September



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2008 September

"This is the Sixteen's second recorded Messiah under Harry Christophers (third if you count a leve recroding with Ton Koopman), and by some distance it's the best".


2010 janvier



Ivan A. Alexandre

2010 janvier


2020 septembre



Ivan A. Alexandre

2020 septembre

Fono Forum

2020 Juli



Gerald Felber

2020 Juli

"Diese erfrischende, unprätentiös lockere, kammerspielhafte und dabei sehr innige Präsentation geht ihren Weg gerade dadurch erfolgreich, dass sie die Grösse der Aussagen nicht mit der der eingesetzten Klangmittel gleichsetzt ... Zu hören ist eine streckenweise fast belcantohafte, manchmal ins Zärtliche reichende Interpretation mit oft nahezu tänzerischen Rhythmisierungen, die besonders den (freilich leicht überhallten und etwas wattig-indirekten) Chorklang bestimmen".


2020 mars



Olivier Rouvière

2020 mars

BBC music magazine

2023 Christmas


2023 Christmas

"The theatrical instincts that have served Nelson so well in Berlioz ensure some detailed characterisation such as the semiquaver flurry of beating wings as the angels prepare to impart their joyous message".

BBC music magazine

2007 December



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2007 December

"Sir Colin Davis' way with Messiah, as recorded live at the Barbican last December, is old-fashioned by present-day standards. Vocal decoration is kept to a minimum and there are few concessions to period instruments ... That doesn't, of course, invalidate it, but it won't please those for whom authenticity is the bottom-line".

BBC music magazine

2015 January



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2015 January

"The 26-strong orchestra, too, supplies vitality as well as solemnity and flexibility".

BBC music magazine

2016 January



Anna Picard

2016 January

"This is a point of high drama in a performance that is never less than stylish and, perhaps most importantly, heartfelt ... [Davies and Zazzo] opt for visceral theatricality in their delivery of text, Zazzo tiring somewhat in the process. Soprano Julia Doyle sings with sweetness and candour, decorating 'I know that my Redeemer liveth' vivaciously".

Fono Forum

2016 Januar



Marcus Stäbler

2016 Januar

"Brauchen wir wirklich moch eine Einspielung? Aber das schöne an den ganz grossen meisterwerken wie diesem Oratorium ist ja, dass doch immer noch Spielraum für neue Nuancen und Perspektiven bleibt ... Das vorzügliche belgische Barockorchester B'Rock volgt ihm ebenso aufmerksam wie der BR-Chor".

Fono Forum

2021 März



Susanne Benda

2021 März

"CD des Monats: Justin Doyle präsentiert Händels Oratorium in einer idealen Verschmelzung von Leichtigkeit und Vertiefung. Der RIAS Kammerchor ... scheint durch die zahlreichen Chorsätze geradezu hindurch zu tänzeln ... Die Akademie tänzeln mit, hochvirtuos, bietet Leichigkeit und Vertiefung auf Augenhöhe ... Die Solisten singen allesamt exzellent, sehr englisch, sehr gerade".

BBC music magazine

2020 Christmas



Berta Joncus

2020 Christmas

"Doyle's direction is assured. In the densest counterpoint, he makes voicing crystal clear ... Roderick Williams earns special mention for his thrilling additions to 'The trumpet shall sound', and countertenor Tim Mead illuminates his part through intense declamation ... The Kammerchor is nimble, sweet-toned and polished - with ensemble and diction to rival that of any professional English choir - but its climaxes are muted".

Fono Forum

2007 März



Matthias Hengelbrock

2007 März

"Bei Edward Higginbottom geht es hingegen eindeutig darum, die bestmöglichen künstlerischen und technischen Bedingungen dafür zu schaffen, dass sich Grösse, Würde und Eindringlichkeit des "Messiah" fast von selbst entfalten ... Diese Aufnahme des "Messiah" ist wie kaum eine andere von vorn bis hinten rund und stimmig".

BBC music magazine

2006 December



Nicholas Anderson

2006 December

"As we might expect, René Jacobs brings a livelier and more immediate sense of theatre to Handel's music ... The Clare College Choir, of which the upper strands are provided by women, is very good indeed proving capable of colourfully dramatic declamation ... A result which will disappoint few if any readers".

The gramophone

2013 February



David Vickers

2013 February

"Nevertheless, even if the choruses do not quite offer a consistently memorable impact, this is one of the best-played recordings of Messiah".

International record review

2008 October



Hugh Canning

2008 October

"With one reservation, this is as compelling a performance of Messiah as any on the market, and I suspect reactions to it will depend on individual responses to particular voices. The choral singing ... is outstanding, with unusually crisp diction ... My only caveat concers the soprano Carolyn Sampson ... who sounds distinctly out of place in this company".

International record review

2008 October



Martin Anderson

2008 October

"No undiscovered masterpieces, then; what you do have here is music of tremendous verve and vitality, vividly executed and recorded - which, logically, makes this disc sheer pleasure".


d. 5. Dec. 2002


d. 5. Dec. 2002

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. Dec. 2002


d. 16. Dec. 2002

The gramophone

2020 September



David Vickers

2020 September

"Gaechinger Cantorey and Hans-Christoph Rademann endeavour to present the version of Messiah that Handel directed at its premiere in Dublin in 1742. They tackle it with a touch less innovation and ambition than the Dunedin Consort's revelatory replication of the scale and functions of the collective ensemble employed for the historic occasion ... Rademann's high-calibre choir delivers nuanced busyness ... amiable gentility ... solemn beauty ... and sure-footed agility ... Unaccompanied passages ... are tuned and communicated flawlessly ... This skilful performance yields manifold musical insights".

High fidelity

1999 5


1999 5


d. 4. Dec. 1998


d. 4. Dec. 1998

Berlingske tidende

d. 14. Dec. 1998


d. 14. Dec. 1998

The gramophone

2020 March



David Vickers

2020 March

"This concert, recorded live at Versailles, embraces Le Concert des Nations' breadth of textured sonorities ... There is no-nonsense directness in choruses of gutsy resonance and emotive impact, and we do not wait long for upfront splendour in 'Hallelujah'. Offering orchestral vigour, an assured quartet of soloists (Redmond and Mulroy particularly classy), vivid choral grandeur and surefooted theatrical pacing, this is an enjoyable all-rounder".

Fono Forum

2024 Februar



Matthias Hengelbrock, Marcus Stäbler

2024 Februar

Vurdering (2 anm.): 9/10, 7/10.

The gramophone

2023 December



Lindsay Kemp

2023 December

"It says much about the superiority of John Nelson's Coventry performance that one ... hardly notices The English Concert at all, but in the good way that means they are perfect accompanists ... He also has a good line-up of soloists, with his Berlioz regular Michael Spyres a vigorous expressive tenor and countertenor Alex Potter displaying a pleasingly Bowman-like, loose, rounded tone. Lucy Crowe is a singer to treasure in a piece like this, heart-warmingly musical and authentic ... This, then, is a no-nonsense yet consistently interesting and invigorated Messiah, aided by a well-made recording, that should be both easy and rewarding to live with".

Berlingske tidende

d. 22. Nov. 2001


d. 22. Nov. 2001

BBC music magazine

2006 May



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2006 May

"Perhaps we should regard this arranged version as Mozart's commentary on Handel, or as a large scale variation. In any case, this is not hack-worck but an appealing tribute that translates the music's idiom from baroque to classical, with many graceful and imaginative touches".

The gramophone

2008 February



Peter Quantrill

2008 February

"It is left to Sara Mingardo to bring something special and personal, which she does in all her music here ... She provides the most compelling of reasons to hear another Messiah".


d. 22. Dec. 1999


d. 22. Dec. 1999

High fidelity

2000 4


2000 4

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. Dec. 2002


d. 16. Dec. 2002

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 10. Dec. 2001


d. 10. Dec. 2001

Berlingske tidende

d. 22. Nov. 2001


d. 22. Nov. 2001

International record review

2015 February



Graham Rogers

2015 February

"As well as an excellent chorus, Haïm has assembled a fine quartet of soloists ... for anyone looking for a fresh new take on this perennial masterpiece, Haïm's new version - stylish, stirring, and with superb orchestral playing - can de confidently recommended".

The gramophone

2015 December



David Vickers

2015 December

"Dijkstra prefers a traditional four-soloist version, featuring all the best music from numerous alternative variants, and his dependable direction combines many elements of historically informed performance practice with the best traditional choral qualities of contrapuntal flexibility and pious dignity ... The Bavarian Radio Choir's spotless English ... make them a match for any number of topnotch British specialist choirs ... This sincere Messiah has plenty to offer".

The gramophone

2020 December



Lindsay Kemp

2020 December

"The Akademie are simply one of the world's finest baroque orchestras, technically immaculate but also with a distinctive woody strength to their sound ... The soloists, too, are great to listen to. Julia Doyle has a voice of bewitching clarity ... Mead is a superb countertenor whose richly lyrical voice, almost like a contralto in places, has not a weak note in it ... Doyle is keen to avoid overloading the oratorio with bombast by holding things back in places, the better to release his forces more effectively elsewhere ... This, then, is a Messiah of good performances, but in the end it nees its many nice new ideas to cohere more consistently to make it a top recommendation".

The gramophone

2006 December



David Vickers

2006 December

"At best, Higginbottom's choir produces some marvelous moments ... Higginbottom's direction does not boil with dramatic intensity but instead simmers along with patience, elegant judgement and articulate tastefulness ... This Naxos release will appeal to those who want an affordable Messiah that is beautifully played, brightly sung, sweetly satisfying and unashamedly English in its sentimental roots".

International record review

2006 November



Hugh Canning

2006 November

"This is a notable unquirky and direct account of this much-recorded work, sober and austere by the standards of a conductor renowned for his tinkering with texts and "interventionist" interpretations in baroque scores ... I shall return to it as often as I do to Pinnock, Hickox, McCreesh and McGegan".

The gramophone

2006 December



David Vickers

2006 December

"Kobie van Rensburg's authoritative accompanied recitatives and Lawrence Zazzo's "But who may abide" are impressively dramatic, and Neal Davies's singing is typically vigorous. The outstanding Choir of Clare College, Cambridge, defy any argument that there is a bland uniform tradition of socalled Oxbridge choral singing ... Jacobs juxtaposes brilliance with foolishness ... a lot of the new ideas here are poorly conceived and show a poor grasp of Handel's musical personality".

The gramophone

2006 December



David Vickers

2006 December

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "Butt and the Dunedin Consort marry astute scholarship to sincere artistic expression and the result is comfortably the freshest, most natural, revelatory and transparently joyful Messiah I have heard for a very long time".

Information and editions