Music / rock

Misanthropical house

Reviews (2)


d. 4. Feb. 2018



Dom Lawson

d. 4. Feb. 2018

"Coming screeching and spitting out of the Norwegian suburbs, The Good, The Bad And The Zugly (or GBZ for short) have already established themselves as one of the most ferocious and skilled of modern punk bands, but Misanthropical House is such a joyful demonstration of snot-encrusted mastery that it's hard to imagine a future where this band aren't held aloft as beacons of insolent excellence".


d. 23. Jan. 2018



Ken Thomsen

d. 23. Jan. 2018

"På et anderledes, helt jordnært, plan, så er The Good, The Bad and The Zugly bare uhyre velspillende, har ører for fængende (primitive) riffs og catchy melodier og er ikke bange for, at brage det hele direkte i skallen på en. Alt i alt giver det en potent cocktail, der både brænder, renser ud og frisker op".