Music / electronica

Modern streets

Reviews (2)


d. 16. Feb. 2015



Andy Beta

d. 16. Feb. 2015

"Most tracks on the first half clock in under four-minutes, but as the songs stretch out longer on the album's back half, there's not enough structure to support them. And midway through, as Spacek's slender falsetto stretches to the breaking point, the slightness of some lyrics also become evident. Funky as the leaky faucet and thrummed kora that loop through the single "Alone in Da Sun" are, it does little in its six minutes. Some songs wiggle in place, as on "There Is a Love", and no matter the theme of "Stand Firm", the backing squishes like Nerf underfoot".





Andy Kellman


"Though Modern Streets was created predominantly with handheld-device apps, the tracks were inspired by the multicultural environment he encountered as a youngster clubbing in '80s London, and a fair portion of the lyrics, combined with Spacek's delivery, convey sweet, wide-eyed innocence ... The gentle booms and pings of "Compact n Sleep" seem to channel mid-'80s and mid-'90s slow jams at once, while "Alone in da Sun" melds dragging dub bass and a slinking rhythm like a high-quality outtake from the Curvatia sessions. The constant is the familiarity of Spacek's voice, his low whispers and high exhaltations, like he's serenading a nearby audience of one".

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