Music / rock


Reviews (5)


d. 12. Apr. 2019



Sharon O'Connell

d. 12. Apr. 2019

""Bonus" discs in boxsets too often feature random studio sweepings of interest only to completists, but Movement's is as entertaining as it is instructive, allowing voyeuristic earwigging from behind the soundproofed door. All New Order members may have had to make their peace with this fresh exposure as they did with the original album, and three of them might be doing it again soon; in June, Unknown Pleasures turns 40. If dreams never end, then neither does reevaluation".


d. 5. Oct. 2008



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 5. Oct. 2008

" Debutalbummet "Movement" står dog i skyggen af Joy Divisions to mesterværker "Unknown Pleasures" (1979) og "Closer" (1980). Ikke mindst fordi den utrænede sanger Bernard Sumner helt tydeligt forsøgte at genskabe det monotone mørke, som Ian Curtis gjorde til sit varemærke".





David Quantick


"Movement sounds better now than it did then, largely because then everyone was comparing it to Closer rather than what it actually was, which is an experiment in inventing the 1980s ... but it's the bonus disc (all these albums have brilliant bonus discs) that shows the way, most notably on "Everything' Gone Green" and "Temptation"".

Louder than war

d. 2. Apr. 2019



Simon Tucker

d. 2. Apr. 2019

"Movement `Definitive Edition' serves as a timely reminder of what an important album it actually is. With the original classic Peter Saville sleeve moving away from the Gothic overtones of Unknown Pleasures and Closer and allowing some light, sunny blues into the palette you get an image that perfectly matches the music inside with it feeling abstract yet containing slight slithers of sunshine in. Movement is an essential part of the New Order story. It is a batch of good songs which are not that far removed for their highly revered siblings on the following Power, Corruption & Lies. Yes it is not perfect and there are obvious faults but what you are hearing with Movement is the sound of a band bravely baby-stepping their way into a new artistic life and for that reason alone it is an album that should be celebrated".


d. 5. June 2019



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 5. June 2019

"Manchester-bandet New Orders omdiskuterede debutalbum, 'Movement', er netop blevet genudgivet i et omfattende bokssæt ... En bonus-cd består af 18 hidtil uudgivne numre - demoversioner og sessionindspilninger - samt en alternativ 7"-version af singleudspillet 'Temptation'. Der er også en bog med unikke fotos og sågar et essay om bandet, og en medfølgende dvd - bestående af udvalgte liveoptagelser og tvoptrædener - afslører, at New Order ikke ligefrem var et øvet koncertband dengang ... Ekstramaterialet er ganske interessant, men det henvender sig primært til samlere".