Music / electronica

Nocturnal Sunshine

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 16. June 2015



Simon Nathanael

d. 16. June 2015

"Den elektroniske producer Maya Jane Coles vender tilbage til sit tidligere alias på en skive, som bestemt ikke skuffer. Hendes bløde dubstep-produktioner har stadig en kantet, digital karakter (i modsætning til landsmanden Burials mere mørke, analoge lyd), men lydene er anrettet minimalistisk og underspillet ... Pladen topper for alvor til sidst, hvor den noget mørkere og mere dansable Skipper sætter en sen, men høj standard for Coles' dubstep-projekt, som resten af pladen ikke helt lever op til".

Consequence of sound

d. 21. May 2015



Dusty Henry

d. 21. May 2015

"Vurdering: B-" - "Coles' production often excels in collaboration with other artists. Standout track "Believe" sees her bringing in guest vocalist Chelou, who effortlessly slips into the song's vibe. There's a crypticness to his voice as he croons "I don't believe in anything" on the chorus. Coles' own vocals show up a few times as well, like on the dreamy shuffling of "It's Alright". Nocturnal Sunshine sees Coles indulge in genre exploration. While the album's length dulls some of the immediacy of her past work, there's plenty to explore in every lush corner. Coles is on an unstoppable course and is only going up from here".