Music / rock

One one one

Reviews (2)


d. 22. May 2013



Brice Ezell

d. 22. May 2013

"One One One is not at all far from the evolution that Blackjazz captured; the main points of departure from that LP comes in how the songs themselves are structured. The record's title is itself an indication of the listening experience: each piece stands on its own, though when put together in a cohesive whole you'll get as unconventional a pop metal collection as you're likely to hear all year".


d. 3. June 2013



Grayson Currin

d. 3. June 2013

"One One One opens with a short squall of guitar noise and an immediate drum groove, funneling into a verse that runs with the same italicized spirit as most any rock number you'll find along the FM dial. Roaring keyboards and chugging riffs swell beneath Munkeby's hook, pushing the signal outward. It's just one of several instantly memorable numbers here".