Music / rock

Open door policy

Reviews (3)

American songwriter




Lee Zimmerman


"Expressed from a first person point of view, the music comes across with a sense of unease, urgency and uncertainty, which, in turn, boosts both interest and intrigue. Clearly, The Hold Steady are intent on burrowing below the surface in their pursuit of principle and propriety".

Gaffa [online]

d. 19. Feb. 2021



Kristian Bach Petersen

d. 19. Feb. 2021

"The Hold Steady sætter tone til en tur i rendestenen med masser af stil og uden nogen form for selvmedlidenhed og klynk ... Frontmandens drevne snakke-synge-stil er nok ikke alles smag, men fordi bandet bag ham står så skarpt, fungerer det virkelig fint ... Man kan stadig høre slægtskabet med Springsteen og hans disciple i The Gaslight Anthem, men The Hold Steady skiller sig ud i deres snert af ironisk bid og humoristisk glimt i øjet. Finn har også en tæft for at bruge allitterationer, hvilket giver hans tekster en særlig rytme".


d. 24. Feb. 2021



Daniel Felsenthal

d. 24. Feb. 2021

"Dark, ominous, but still marching forth with that same bar-rock passion, the Hold Steady feel more unified, making a place for each member within their music's newfound sprawl".