Music / blues

Ordinary madness

Reviews (3)





Thom Jurek


"On Ordinary Madness, Trout takes unprecedented chances with his legacy. His musical and lyrical depth reveal an overflowing abundance of restless creativity. This album is perfect for American audiences to finally embrace Trout as a blues icon; Europeans did that decades ago".

Get ready to rock!

d. 16. July 2020



Pete Feenstra

d. 16. July 2020

"'Ordinary Madness' is superbly crafted rock-blues which explores the human condition through subjective eyes and lyrical honesty. It's lyrical introspective album forged by the musical ebullience of his road band, who play exquisitely throughout ... 'Ordinary Madness' is a triumph of creativity, vim and vigor. The future of rock-blues is in inspired hands".

Blues rock review

d. 6. Aug. 2020



Willie Witten

d. 6. Aug. 2020

"The album is consistently great cover to cover. Perhaps not mentioned enough is the sheer quality of the music. As expected, the band is stellar, and a couple of contributions by additional musicians fill in any imagined holes in the mix. Simply put, if listeners are looking for weaknesses, they will have a hard time finding them. More likely, they will discover songs and segments worth listening to again and again from different approaches: once for the music, once for the theme, and again for moments of instrumental bliss. For an album that broaches some deeply personal subjects, Ordinary Madness succeeds in being universally relatable, not to mention extremely enjoyable. It is one of Trout's best entries in his extensive catalog".