Music / folkemusik

Orient - occident II
Hommage à la Syrie

Reviews (3)


2014 fevrier



Sophie Roughol

2014 fevrier

BBC music magazine

2014 February



Michael Church

2014 February

"Yet until the civil war started, Aleppo was still the musical powerhouse it had been for centuries, the place where Syria's best musicians played and sang their wasla suites ... Still, with players from all round the Mediterranean, the music itself [on Orient-Occident II] is of a very high standard, and it makes a lovely celebration fo the spirit of this unfortunate country. The singers are excellent, and the soloists on the oud, rebab, ney and percussion are brilliant".

The gramophone

2014 January



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2014 January

"This luxuriously presented collaboration between the members of Hespèrion XXI and musicians from Syria ... The juxtaposition of repertoires is effective, the medieval pieces acting as a kind of musical bridge between the West and the East ... Not crossover, then, but dialogue. More of that is definitely necessary, especially when it produces such outstandingly beautiful results".

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