Film / operafilm

Orlando furioso

Reviews (4)

BBC music magazine

2012 July



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2012 July

"Alcina is an "isle full of noises" and conductor Jean-Christophe Spinosi knows exactly how to extract every last dramatic nuance from them ... His band still plays as if possessed by one of Alcina's more benign spells. The staging employs shades of grey and looks stylishly simple ... Jennifer Larmore's Alcina is the triumph it ever was".


2012, nr. 25



Steen Chr. Christensen

2012, nr. 25

"Pierre Audis sofistikerede teatersprog, hvor to meget store vandglas og en rygende lampekrone udgør de mest spekulative effekter, skaber rum til sangerne og deres spil, men åbenbarer slet ikke det fantastiske ved denne fortælling ... Kontraalten Marie-Nicole Lemieux viser spændende potentiale som den gale Roland ... I øvrigt er der smukke sangerpræstationer hele vejen rundt".

International record review

2012 March



John T. Hughes

2012 March

"All is impressive from the vocal aspect, and Spinosi's lively direction of the music is as inspiring as his orchestra's playing. Audi's production has little change of scenery. A table and the upturned frame of a chair seem to be constant. He is better at drawing out the characters. The whole benefits from good sound".

The gramophone

2012 June



Richard Lawrence

2012 June

"The set is simple; the costumes are 18th-century ... Not a bundle of laughs, but you shouldn't miss this; it's a real eye-opener".