Music / rock


Reviews (3)

The libraries' assessment

d. 10. May 2013



Thomas Tiedje

d. 10. May 2013

Nogen gange kommer der noget godt ud af en skilsmisse. Fremtiden var således udvis for det meget populære emo-band Paramore, da brødrene Josh og Zac Farro forlod bandet i 2010, men lytter man til det nye album, lyder Paramore - nu en trio - revitaliseret. Hvor emo-klichéerne før stod i kø, har Paramore nu en mere let og legende indgang til musikken, som har fået et mere poppet islæt og især kan høres hos Hayley Williams, der nu også kan lyde som en Kelly Clarksson eller Gwen Stefani. Om alle bandets inkarnerede fans vil holde af den mere poppede og afvekslende stil er måske tvivlsomt, men Paramore har altid haft mainstream-appeal. Og på "Grow up" melder bandet ærligt ud: <i>"Some of us have to grow up sometimes/And so if I have to I'm gonna leave you behind."z/i> Paramore gav koncert i Store Vega d. 9. april.


d. 3. Apr. 2013



Channing Freeman

d. 3. Apr. 2013

"Previous Paramore albums were sometimes instrumentally bland and overwrought lyrically, but they could always fall back on Hayley's voice to carry them through the rougher patches. However, not even she can save songs like "Anklebiters" and "(One Of Those) Crazy Girls," which are blatant examples of filler that should have been cut before they were even demoed. There's also the closer "Future," which features five or so minutes of the most boring post-rock song you've ever heard".





Matt Collar


"The record's collaborative foundation crackles on every track, but Hayley Williams, a ballsy, extroverted frontwoman with a voice big enough to stop time, proves unequivocally to be the cunning talent of the band ... Paramore is a veritable pop opera about a band reborn, phoenix-like from the ashes of a broken lineup, better and stronger than any previous incarnatio".