Film / nonfiction / dokumentarfilm



Dokumentar, der fortæller historien om Luciano Pavarottis liv, karriere og eftermæle, fortalt gennem interviews med familie og kolleger, og med filmoptagelser, som aldrig tidligere er vist.

Reviews (4)

The libraries' assessment

d. 14. Feb. 2020



Ellen Skall Sørensen

d. 14. Feb. 2020

Opera er musik, kærlighed, had og død. Kig med, når de store følelser rulles ud i dokumentaren om en af verdens største tenorer: Luciano Pavarotti. Guf for operaelskere.

Tenoren Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007) var både m.h.t. stemme og statur en stor mand. Han var født i en middelklassefamilie i Italien og oprindelig uddannet lærer. I 1961 debuterede han i La Boheme, og opnåede hurtigt (trods sceneskræk) derefter stjernestatus med optrædender på de største scener. Filmen beskriver hans musikkarriere og hans familiære forhold. Sidst i 80'erne kørte Pavarotti træt i sit arbejde og fandt det meningsløst. Men i 1990 genfandt han sig selv arbejdsmæssigt, da han sammen med sangerkollegerne Placido Domingo og Jose Carreras dannede trioen De tre tenorer. Han optrådte også sammen med rock- og popmusikere bl.a. Sting og Prince, hvilket han fik megen kritik for. Instruktøren Ron Howard har tidligere lavet musikdokumentaren The Beatles - Eight days a week - the touring yearsThe Beatles - eight days a week - the touring years.

Kronologisk dokumentar om en af operaverdenens superstjerner fortalt af ham selv, hans hustruer, børn og kolleger. Luciano Pavarotti anså sig selv for åben og naiv, og det er også det billede af sangeren, som filmen tegner.

Pavarotti - a voice for the ages er også en blanding af prøver på Pavarotti's sang blandet med interviews.

The guardian

d. 12. July 2019



Peter Bradshaw

d. 12. July 2019

"A great artist innovates, and Pavarotti's innovation was arguably to take opera out of the hands of snobs and elitists and give it to the ordinary people. But there is very little really engaged discussion of the music. What there is - heart-sinkingly, inevitably - is Bono, who worked with Pavarotti and here firmly asserts his own status as Pavarotti's mega-A-list mate. What a dull nostalgiafest".

The independent

d. 11. July 2019



Clarisse Loughrey

d. 11. July 2019

"The film offers a rich array of archival footage, interviews, and candid photography, but has no interest in major revelations ... As a director, Howard has always had an interest in sweeping, traditional narrative arcs and it's been evident in his past work as a music documentarian, specifically in 2016's The Beatles: Eight Days a Week and 2013's Jay-Z documentary Made in America. He wants to see his subjects as heroes who step up to the plate and, while Pavarotti is unabashedly fawning in tone, there's also an infectious joy in the approach".


d. 30. May 2019



Owen Gleiberman

d. 30. May 2019

"Viewers are free to wag their fingers at the choices he made, but Howard adopts a no-muss-no-fuss tone of benevolent civility that feels like a legitimate way to go, keeping Pavarotti's identity as a singer front and center. The domestic breakups are about wounds. The genius of Pavarotti's voice is that it had the power to heal. The movie pays ample testament to how that voice, for 40 years, poured out of him, rapturous and tragic, soaring on wings of pure emotion, at times wracked with a spiritual pain that was surely his own, but always lifting his audience to the mountaintop of beauty, saying, "This is where I live. And you can too."".