Music / rock



Summary: Combining the lulling ambience of shoegaze with the iconic melodies and vocal prowess of classic American country music, enigmatic outlaw cowboy. Orville Peck, croons love and loss from the badlands of North America. His upcoming debut album, delivers a diverse collection of stories that sing of heartbreak, revenge and the unrelenting tug of the cowboy ethos.

Reviews (2)

The line of best fit

d. 19. Mar. 2019



Tristan Gatward

d. 19. Mar. 2019

"Some tracks sound like Elvis ballads drowned out by faulty styluses and retro sound systems. Others are breathy song-cycles of gospel folk. For all the rich breeze and slinking Tarantino guitars in "Hope To Die", the track more resembles an '80s Mazzy Star-era shoegaze piece for the country purists to languish on. With Pony, Orville Peck has put himself in the boxing ring for his own '68 Comeback Special. He is the anti-hero, steeped in mythology and a necessary anonymity ("sometimes being an alive cowboy is just enough."). But it's the auteur's approach in the queer country revolution. Despite its masked obscurity, it's the tenderness that wins the fight".


d. 17. Apr. 2019



Ralf Christensen

d. 17. Apr. 2019

"Den hemmelighedsfulde og maskeklædte countrysanger Orville Peck trækker langmodigt på en stolt, amerikansk fortid, samtidig med at han trækker genren ud i et queerterritorium ... Orville Pecks debutalbum Pony. Hans country er kulørt, storladen og iscenesat. Som at ride ud over en pangfarvet prærie under en rhinstensbesat himmel. Samtidig med at han er nostalgisk på en profan måde. Med Elvis Presleys stemme, Roy Orbisons vemod, Phil Spectors grandeur i oppakningen ... Peck vover at mutere countryarven ud i et farvestrålende queerland".

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