Music / rock

Pop-up! Ker-ching! and the possibilities of modern shopping

Reviews (2)





Tim Sendra


"Even dedicated fans of Go-Kart Mozart might find songs like "I'm Gonna Wiggle" or "Vanilla Gorilla" - two tracks silly enough to make even the Wombles blanch - to be a little too far out. That being said, anyone who has a long-term affinity for Lawrence and is happily willing to follow him on his bonkers journey through life and music will find Pop-up! Ker-ching! another fascinating, curiously life-affirming step along the way".

God Is In The TV

d. 1. Feb. 2023



Loz Etheridge

d. 1. Feb. 2023

"After several listens, the bits you originally thought were dreadful start to dance around like cartoon mushrooms in your mind and convince you that actually, no, those parts were a heap of fun, too. In short, Mozart Estate's first/fifth album is brilliant, awful, spellbinding, throwaway, hilarious, annoying and, against all odds, loveable. Aargh! Just what the fuck IS IT???".