Music / rock

Posthumous humiliation

Reviews (3)


d. 28. Feb. 2019



Brayden Turenne

d. 28. Feb. 2019

"Even this early in 2019, it seems as though Pissgrave may have given us the death metal release of the year. Ugly, adversarial and deeply sick, Pissgrave make masochists of us all as we crawl back eagerly for more punishment".


d. 8. Mar. 2019



Andy O'Connor

d. 8. Mar. 2019

"On their second album, this proudly gratuitous Philadelphia quartet dives headlong into extreme gore and extreme sonics, making a real-life mess of death ... It's tempting to dismiss Humiliation as a mere edgelord monument, propaganda with no core. But you're missing the point: Even if you're incapable or uninterested in hurting anything, your internal life can feel ravaged and violent and chaotic. Pissgrave's utter depravity proudly maps those feelings on Posthumous Humiliation; some days, this mess may be the only thing that makes sense".


d. 1. Apr. 2019



Jens Franco

d. 1. Apr. 2019

"Sygt og lettere kaotisk, men der er en mening med galskaben, der nogle steder lyder som en war metal-udgave (tænk Revenge) af tidlig Deicide tilsat en ret speciel produktion. Nådesløst. Kompromisløst. Og nok uden for pædagogisk rækkevidde for folk, som mener, at Baest spiller den onde tråd (det gør de ikke). Det her er ikke for børn eller hvide mennesker. 'Posthumous Humiliation' er ekstremt sygdomsramt dødsmetal, som bare vokser på undertegnede ved hver lyt".