Music / rock


Reviews (6)

Gaffa [online]

d. 17. Aug. 2015



Henrik Friis

d. 17. Aug. 2015

"En hård, til tider metallisk udgivelse, som bød på sager, der i dag fortjent hører med til gruppens klassiker-katalog: Den kogende 10 minutter lange rocker Achilles Last Stand med guitarlag-på-guitarlag-på-guitarlag af Page, John Bonham i gnistrende form bag trommerne og en fremragende syngende Robert Plant, der her ikke virker hæmmet af at sidde i kørestol med benet i gips efter en alvorlig bilulykke på Rhodos. Vildt ambitiøst og vellykket. Den dag i dag".

The quietus

d. 28. July 2015



Julian Marszalek

d. 28. July 2015

"Recorded while the band took an extended hiatus from the UK, and in the wake of a serious car accident in Rhodes that left Robert Plant's leg shattered, Presence is an oddly cold album. Devoid of the light and shade that had highlighted the many musical facets of the band, Led Zeppelin's seventh studio album remains a difficult album to take in a single sitting. For sure, it contains some incredible individual moments - the epic opener 'Achilles Last Stand', a pulverising reading of Blind Willie McTell's 'Nobody's Fault But Mine', 'Candy Store Rock''s mutant rockabilly - but taken as a whole, its relentless delivery and metallic sheen offers very little warmth, even on the introspective electric blues of 'Tea For One'. There's a sense of boredom, loneliness and resignation that runs through the lyrics".


1997 oktober


1997 oktober

Melody maker

d. 20. Aug. 1994


d. 20. Aug. 1994


1994 november


1994 november

New musical express

d. 20. Aug. 1994


d. 20. Aug. 1994