Music / electronica


Reviews (2)


d. 2. Dec. 2015



Mark Richardson

d. 2. Dec. 2015

"Every industrialist wanting to get his or her goods to the world knows that you have to package them properly. Heard individually and spaced many months apart, the best tracks here were diamond-hard realizations of very specific sonic ideas; placed on an album alongside songs that use similar ingredients but are markedly inferior, they rattle around in the can, perfect objects in search of the right container".

The guardian

d. 26. Nov. 2015



Alexis Petridis

d. 26. Nov. 2015

"Why waste your time with all the knackered posturing, the tee-hee-it's-meant-to-be-annoying irony, the trite stuff about pop's relationship to consumerism, a topic about which he clearly has absolutely nothing novel or interesting to say? If you can make intriguing, futuristic pop music, why not just do that?".