Music / electronica

Profound mysteries

Reviews (4)


d. 28. Apr. 2022



Kieran Macdonald-Brown

d. 28. Apr. 2022

"A long time in the making, Royksöpp have birthed an engaging, expressive multimedia universe suspended in digital mystery, a sum of many components meticulously executed. 'Profound Mysteries' truly captures the imagination".


d. 29. Apr. 2022



Peter Piatkowski

d. 29. Apr. 2022

"It's always thrilling to witness artists expand on their sounds and stretch their talents. With the idea of the studio album being questioned and the place of pop music in our culture - as well as blurring the boundaries of pop music and pop art - being assessed, work like Profound Mysteries elevates the conversation. But most importantly, the music on Profound Mysteries doesn't struggle or collapse under the weight of Röyksopp's artistic ambitions: the music is some of their canniest and most absorbing ... Though most of Profound Mysteries is somewhat intense, there's also a space for the poppy sound of "Breathe", a thoroughly mainstream radio-ready tune that features a frisky performance by Astrid S, an alumna of the Norwegian version of Pop Idol. Her candy-pretty voice and the dance-pop fluff of the production make the song an ecstatic high point on the album".





Timothy Monger


"Less sonically aggressive than their previous album, Profound Mysteries still has something of an edge to it and its overall tone of ghostly enchantment makes for a strangely captivating listen".


d. 17. May 2022



Joakim Dalmar

d. 17. May 2022

"Profound Mysteries byder på momenter, der føles nyskabende og imødekommende, men formår desværre at miste grebet på mange af disse momenter ved at lade uinspirerede og forudsigelige fraser i musikken dominere lydbilledet".

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