Books / nonfiction

Project management : theory and practice (engelsk)


Project Management – theory and practice is a unique combination of a student’s textbook and a practical handbook for the professional project manager. The Knowledge Bank – the core part of the book – is structured around the principles founded by Project Management Institute (PMI) – the world’s biggest organization for project management. Thus the book covers the curriculum expected of an internationally working project manager. Project Management – theory and practice covers the five stages of a project:Opportunity identification Planning and specification Implementation, monitoring and control Handover and evaluation Operations and maintenance For each of these stages the reader is presented to the relevant theory and practice of the knowledge areas: integration management, scope management, time management, cost management, quality management, human relations management, communications management, risk management and procurement management. It is worth noticing that this book gives comprehensive coverage of the Opportunity identification and Operations and maintenance stages which is often overlooked by other books on project management. This 2nd edition is completely revised and corresponds with 4th edition of the Danish version of this book Projektledelse – teori og praksis.

Reviews (1)


d. 18. Jan. 2008



Steen Hildebrandt

d. 18. Jan. 2008