Music / rock

Read the sky

Reviews (1)

Folk radio UK

d. 1. Mar. 2022



Danny Neill

d. 1. Mar. 2022

"No one could have predicted them returning with a song collection quite like 'Read The Sky'? A real case of a band scooping up with open arms every grain of musical inspiration, flare and focus slow-cooked over the previous decades and serving up a platter that is just so vital and tasty. This is what you get when a band continue to make music for the best reasons, for the sheer delight they get from playing together and knowing they have something they want to say, then taking their time to ensure they put out a top-quality album worthy of the name ... This is everything I want from a great folk record ... Oysterband are engaged here, 'Read The Sky' belongs firmly in the year 2022".