Music / country

Ride me back home

Reviews (2)


d. 17. June 2019



Rich Wilhelm

d. 17. June 2019

"Pop and country music critics and scholars rightfully hail Willie Nelson albums such as Shotgun Willie, Stardust, and Red-Headed Stranger as classics. Nelson is decades past those career highs, but it's time to acknowledge that God's Problem Child, Last Man Standing, and, now, Ride Me Back Home, easily stand among the best music created by one of true originals of American music".


d. 25. June 2019



Stephen M. Deusner

d. 25. June 2019

"Old age suits the country singer well. On his latest album-featuring three newly penned tunes-Willie sings with a kind of chagrinned humor, as if nobody is more surprised by his longevity than he is ... Nothing on here sounds rehearsed or calculated. Instead, it sounds like Willie has been living with these songs for so long that he can play them as easily as inhaling and exhaling".