Music / klassiske symfonier

Roussel, Debussy, Poulenc

Reviews (5)

The observer

d. 9. Oct. 2016



Stephen Pritchard

d. 9. Oct. 2016

"The playing on this disc from the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande is simply superb: alert, precise strings, scampering woodwind and sparkling brass bring real energy to Roussel's Bacchus et Ariane ballet suite which comes surging through the speakers in a tumultuous reading from Kazuki Yamada ... Highly recommended".


2017, nr. 44



Andrew Mellor

2017, nr. 44

"Vi får et fint program med to suiter fra ambitiøse balletpartiturer af Albert Roussel og Francis Poulenc med Ansermets orkestrering af Debussy ... som mellemlæg ... Den indledende fløjtesolo ... går rent igennem med orkestrets fløjtenist, og det samme kan siges om hver af de træblæsersoloer, der følger. Orkestrets kvaliteter som kollektiv er åbenbare ... Som alt øvrigt her er det lytteværdigt".

Fono Forum

2007 September



W. Pf.

2007 September

"Das Klangbild ermöglicht eine weite Dynamik und wirkt gleichzeitig frei und luftig; selbst die Tiefendimension ist gut ausgeprägt, was diese nach wie vor wenig beachtete Musik ins beste Licht rückt".

The gramophone

2016 Awards



Tim Ashley

2016 Awards

"Nicely done, with the OSR woodwind and strings playing with poise and Yamada controlling the narrow dynamic range with great skill ... Yamada's way with Roussel is high-voltage if occasionally raw around the edges, which means that the First Suite from Bacchus et Ariane, with its motoric rhythms and relentless momentum, generates considerable excitement".

The gramophone

2007 July



Guy Rickards

2007 July

"The RSNO's performance is fully alive to the music's sweep and irrepressible joie de vivre as well as its more lyrical aspects ... Highly recommended".