Music / solosang

Sange og duetter af Henrik Rung & Frederik Rung

Reviews (3)

MusicWeb international

2014 November



John France

2014 November

"This CD will appeal strongly to all interested in Scandinavian music as well as lovers of song in general. The quality of this romantic music from father and son is high and clearly represents a signal contribution to the song repertoire of Denmark".


d. 16. May 2015



John Christiansen

d. 16. May 2015

"Der er en dejligt frisk, klassisk luft omkring deres danske sange. Erik Bekker Hansens frie, smukke tenor er en nydelse at lytte til, men han er ikke ene. Han har fået gode kolleger med, ... og det giver en cd med en god og afbalanceret afveksling og helhed også med lidt flerstemmighed. Her er virkelig små fine opdagelser at gøre i det danske sanglandskab ... En i alt gennemført cd-udgivelse af betydning".

The gramophone

2015 April



Edward Greenfield

2015 April

"What a delight it is to find all four soloists with such firm and fresh voices and not a hint of a wobble among them ... Most of the songs are simply strophic with variants between stanzas but alway lyrical in a warm, often folk-like way. It is to the credit of Erik Hansen that there is no lack of variety in his expression ... Altogether a splendid tribute to the Rungs, father and son".