Music / rock

Satan spits on children of light

Reviews (3)


d. 31. Mar. 2019



Anders Molin

d. 31. Mar. 2019

"Sekstetten lyder som sådan ikke særligt originale og har heller ikke en produktion, der gør dem lette at skelne fra andre. Det hele ligger i evnen til både at smadre en ide, så det hele er lige ved at falde sammen i et for højt tempo, og stadig bevare ret gode melodier og skabe stemninger midt i et kaotisk instrument-slagsmål. At albummet med den skønne titel 'Satan Spits on Children of the Light' ydermere er kogt ned til sølle 36 minutter gør det til en intens oplevelse uden et eneste sekunds overforbrug. Her er kun, hvad der skal bruges for at mestre djævelen".


d. 28. Feb. 2019



Brayden Turenne

d. 28. Feb. 2019

"Made up of a hulking 13 tracks, Devil Master fearlessly plumb the recesses of imagination, both youthful and deformed, to avoid filler almost entirely. Of course, songs like "Nightmares in the Human Collapse" and "Desperate Shadow," among others, linger for longer in the mind than others; Satan Spits on Children of Light is a wellspring of great songs that both spark rage and tempt debauchery in the listener".

Consequence of sound

d. 1. Mar. 2019



Langdon Hickman

d. 1. Mar. 2019

"Vurdering: B" - "The album is fun, something heavy metal sometimes sorely lacks, and Devil Master's goth-punk black metal rave-ups feel like exactly what more extreme fans of heavy metal wanted Ghost to be in the first place. The music is cheeky but doesn't feel disrespectful; they are playing at the theater of metal without making it a joke and still giving the sonic due-diligence to evoke those early components of black metal well. The songs are tightly wound and bleed into one another and in half an hour they slither away into darkness. All in all, a wildly promising and ecstatically joyful punk-infused black metal debut".

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