Music / folkemusik

Singer of tales

Reviews (1)


2020 June



Kim Burton

2020 June

"Top of the world" - "The sevdah of the western Balkans, especially associated with Bosnia and Herzegovina, occupies a space between folk and art music, flexible and mutable, yet artistically and technically challenging for its performers ... Much of its lyrical imagery is framed around clandestine love, shuttered in seclusion, and sevdah has come to stand as a music of resistance for a new, marginalised, generation. Of this generation of singers Damir Imamović has the most scholarly approach, tracing the music to brothels and opium dens as much as the perfumed rose garden of popular imagination, but he is also a masterful performer with a powerful yet sensitive baritone voice. Joined on this album by colleagues on contrabass, Turkish kemenche and violin, this powerful reimagination of classics alongside originals is one of the finest works Bosnia has produced this century".