Music / rock

Sky swimming

Reviews (2)


d. 3. June 2014



John Bergstrom

d. 3. June 2014

"While the pleasures of Sky Swimming are mostly aesthetic ones, with a bit of pruning you'll find a clutch of wonderfully ornate songs that bear repeated listening. As Pinchbeck and Rivas now know all too well, young love is fleeting, and it's something of a melancholy thrill listening to them try to cheat time, or maybe just stop it. If a producer's job is to bring a band's potential to full fruition, Andy Dragazis has earned his money and then some on Sky Swimming".





Heather Phares


""TV Dinner" and "Elusive Youth" show that Pinchbeck and Rivas have a soft spot for '60s pop that gives their music a more glamorous edge, while the loungy strings on "Skyscraper" and the choral backing vocals on "Shapeshifter" hark back to even more traditional pop while remaining contemporary. For all their wispiness, Elephant do know how to write insistently catchy songs: witness "Assembly," where the hooks are just as intriguing and plentiful as the spooky keyboards, or the sweet and simple "Come to Me," which brings some welcome directness to their songwriting".