Music / folk

Song for our daughter

Reviews (6)

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 19. June 2020



Andreo Michaelo Mielczarek

d. 19. June 2020

"Engelske Laura Marling beskriver sit syvende album som en undersøgelse af moderne femininitet ... De guitarbårne sange adresserer en imaginær datter, og hun synger om et liv, som ikke helt spiller. Men stemmen er omfavnende, endda humoristisk, og atmosfæren emmer af lejrbål og freefolk".


d. 9. Aug. 2020



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 9. Aug. 2020

"britiske Laura Marling ... På sit aktuelle, syvende album ser hun atter stort på moderne produktion og lader i stedet sangene leve i et naturligt lydbillede".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 19. June 2020



Andreo Michaelo Mielczarek

d. 19. June 2020

"Engelske Laura Marling beskriver sit syvende album som en undersøgelse af moderne femininitet ... De guitarbårne sange adresserer en imaginær datter, og hun synger om et liv, som ikke helt spiller. Men stemmen er omfavnende, endda humoristisk, og atmosfæren emmer af lejrbål og freefolk".


d. 9. Aug. 2020



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 9. Aug. 2020

"britiske Laura Marling ... På sit aktuelle, syvende album ser hun atter stort på moderne produktion og lader i stedet sangene leve i et naturligt lydbillede".


2020 July



Oregano Rathbone

2020 July

"Song For Our Daughter is, well, so uncannily, unreasonably and astutely beautiful that it meticulously sets aside every last one of your emotional checks and balances to wrap your core in a firm embrace ... Perhaps the most illustrative remark you can make about it is that it's only after repeated listens that you start to notice the craft and poise in farsighted ruminations such as "Fortune" and the title track, so involved are you in the emotional content. The fact that Laura Marling should have attained this degree of compassionate circumspection without having already lived multiple lifetimes, is almost supernatural".


2020 July



Oregano Rathbone

2020 July

"Song For Our Daughter is, well, so uncannily, unreasonably and astutely beautiful that it meticulously sets aside every last one of your emotional checks and balances to wrap your core in a firm embrace ... Perhaps the most illustrative remark you can make about it is that it's only after repeated listens that you start to notice the craft and poise in farsighted ruminations such as "Fortune" and the title track, so involved are you in the emotional content. The fact that Laura Marling should have attained this degree of compassionate circumspection without having already lived multiple lifetimes, is almost supernatural".