Music / jazz

Songs and stories

Reviews (4)

d. 26. June 2020



Ivan Rod

d. 26. June 2020

"Claire Martin er (...) en af Englands bedste jazzsangerinder. En kunstner med en sjælden evne til at favne jazzen, tilføre den varme og tillægge den sjæl. Det er af samme grund fortjent, at hun hele syv gange har modtaget den prestigiøse BBC Jazz Award og i øvrigt er blevet adlet. Og, af samme grund, et scoop at danske Stunt Records har skabt fundamentet for nærværende album, hvorpå Claire Martin optræder med den eminente trombonist, Callum Au, og et eminent, britisk big band ... Uanset om man er ny eller rutineret jazzlytter, er Songs and Stories et godt, solidt springbræt videre til andre standards og i øvrigt til vokalbaseret bigbandjazz. Især fordi Callum Aus arrangementer er så sublime, og fordi Claire Martins vokal giver materialet så fascinerende en glød. I den forstand er Songs and Stories et meget vellykket album".

UK vibe

d. 20. June 2020



Alan Musson

d. 20. June 2020

"This is [Claire Martin's] third album release in the last twelve months or so, and each one has its own distinct style and personality. This one is no different in that respect, but it is Claire's first recording with a big band and orchestra ... It's not overstating things to say that this album ranks along with [similar] Sinatra and Shirley Horn albums ... The album cover makes it clear that Callum Au is an equal partner in this enterprise. His musical arrangements provide the finest settings for the vocals and the big band and orchestra are of the highest order".

Jazz views




Nick Lea


"This is the third album that I have reviewed by Claire Martin in the last twelve months, and what is remarkable is that they are so different and yet have Claire's personality and touch of class stamped all over them ... 'Songs And Stories' is straight out of the big band sound of the 1950 but with a contemporary feel that lifts these beautiful songs with Callum's sumptuous arrangements ... There are no less than eighty two musicians on the album, along with a selection of some of the greatest jazz standards and American Songbook classics, [and] Callum must have felt like a kid in a sweetshop. The result is an album that ranks among the very best. The arrangements on all eleven tracks are absolutely stunning ... Surprisingly this is Claire's first big band or orchestral recording and she takes full advantage of the opportunity, bringing Callum Au's scores to life".

Record collector

508 (2020 August)



Charles Waring

508 (2020 August)

"[Claire Martin] is in imperious form on the superlative 'Songs And Stories', an inspired collaboration with super-talented trombonist/arranger Callum Au. Though it's her first big band album, Martin - who can swing and smoulder with equal aplomb - sounds entirely at home in a widescreen setting. A serious contender for best jazz album of the year".