Music / rock


Reviews (4)


d. 21. Oct. 2022



Maiwenn Jensen-Guénec

d. 21. Oct. 2022

"De døsige post-punkere fra South London har drejet en virkelig lækker skive, der syder af underspillet ironi og nerve, og som bare svinger ... Der er endeløse eksempler på sjove one liners i teksterne, som løber med det meste af min opmærksomhed på pladen. Alle 11 sange bygger på en rimelig vandtæt opskrift bestående af et gentagende guitar- eller basmønster som det bærende element".


d. 28. Oct. 2022



Tom Pinnock

d. 28. Oct. 2022

"While Stumpwork's divisive artwork betrays their art-school and illustration backgrounds, in many ways the music does too, enriched with the humour and playfulness of Pulp, Blur or Roxy Music, all groups not afraid to dabble with a bit of spoken word. Here, Dry Cleaning have struck out on their own, combining the mess of the everyday - male violence, gym shorts, broken Kindles, Costa cups, good weddings and bad weddings - into something deep, funny and eventually profound. Everybody's talking, but nobody's saying anything quite like this".

The line of best fit

d. 19. Oct. 2022



Ross Horton

d. 19. Oct. 2022

"Thankfully, the basic elements that made New Long Leg so successful are here in plentiful supply ... Across the record you'll hear Lewis Maynard's wobbly bass grooves that owe as much to Geezer Butler as they do to Robbie Shakespeare; Tom Dowse's guitars that go from soothing to serrated, often in the same song; and Nick Buxton's propulsive and powerful drumming that feels both rubbery and rigid. Greatest of all is Florence Shaw, whose droll sprechgesang, surreal lyrics and Nosferatu stage presence amount to a most refreshing take on the 'rockstar frontperson' ... An essential album, and one of the very best of 2022".


d. 30. Oct. 2022



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 30. Oct. 2022

"London-bandet Dry Cleaning er aktuelt med sit andet album, og også denne gang blandes forsanger Florence Shaws spoken word-vokal om dysfunktionelle forhold med krasse guitarriff, hvilket resulterer i en sjældent effektiv dynamik".

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