Books / fiction / roman

Swing time (engelsk)


Two girls dream of being dancers - but only one, Tracey, has talent. The other has ideas: about rhythm and time, about black bodies and black music, what constitutes a tribe, or makes a person truly free. It's a close but complicated childhood friendship that ends abruptly in their early twenties, never to be revisited, but never quite forgotten, either. Dazzlingly energetic and deeply human, 'Swing Time' is a story about friendship and music and stubborn roots, about how we are shaped by these things and how we can survive them.

Reviews (1)

d. 17. Aug. 2017



Lida Wengel

d. 17. Aug. 2017

Fornøjelig og velskrevet indføring i et kvindeunivers fyldt med London-anekdoter og Swing. I ’Swing time’ følger vi to piger fra trange kår i det nordlige London. De er meget forskellige, men bliver v...