Music / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 9

Reviews (8)

Classical net




Gerald Fenech


"In spite of his feeble body, he was able to transfuse to all the great strength of his indomitable spirit. Although he conducted sitting down, his eyes were as sharp and commanding as those of one in his prime. All the soloists gave their heart out, and I cannot honestly single any one as being better that any of the rest. The New Philharmonia Chorus under that genius of choirs, Wilhelm Pitz were absolutely enthralling".

Presto classical




"The phenomenal Herbert Blomstedt ... once again conducted Beethoven's Ninth in Leipzig for the 2016 New Year celebrations. With his former orchestra ... he achieves a gripping interpretation of this monumental work. Under the direction of Blomstedt, together with his excellent musicians, the choirs, and an outstanding quartet of soloists led by the magnificent voice of Christian Gerhaher, the utopia of global freedom and humanity in Friedrich Schiller's Ode to Joy, penned in Leipzig in 1785, grows to overwhelming dimensions".

MusicWeb international

2006 August



Glyn Pursglove

2006 August

"In December 1989 Bernstein conducted the historic Berlin Celebration Concerts on both sides of the Berlin Wall as it was being dismantled ... The performance, which was also relayed on a big screen to thousands standing outside in the square in freezing temperatures, is far from perfect, ensemble is often ragged as the cosmopolitan players struggle to follow Bernsteins far from clear beat ... The experience of watching and listening to this performance will go some way to enable us all, German or non-German, to relive those truly momentous days".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 23. Aug. 2017



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 23. Aug. 2017

"Det er blevet en helt igennem smilende 9' er, hvor Blomstedts elskelige væsen og hyppige smil skinner igennem i alle fire satser ... Den udtryksfulde glæde giver naturligvis god mening i netop denne symfoni, men undervejs kan man gribe sig i at savne lidt af den beethovenske tyngde, som andre store maestroer har stået for".

BBC music magazine

2009 April



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2009 April

"In this noble concert on this disc, Barenboim imitates almost every one of Furtwängler's extreme idiosyncrasies in this, his favourite music, with results that are on the whole surprisingly satisfying. The young musicians in the West-Easter Divan Orchestra play with all the mastery and commitment of a great orchestra".

Fono Forum

2009 Mai



Werner Pfister

2009 Mai

"Soloquartett und Chor halten ohne Abstriche mit, und René Pape mit seinem "O Freunde, nicht diese Töne" ist eine Sonderklasse für sich".


2017 septembre



Rémy Louis

2017 septembre

The gramophone

2017 March



Peter Quantrill

2017 March

"Crisply directed, lucidly structured and superbly played ... The Gewandhaus players keenly respond ... In his undemonstrative way, Blomstedt has their eyes ... Gerhaher brings a tone of regretful admonishment to his opening solo ... The choral basses cry 'Freude' with conviction and a smile. Among the other soloists, Mihoko Fujimura also stands out".