Music / soul

Tears of the world

Reviews (4)

d. 31. July 2015



Simon Redley

d. 31. July 2015

"Norwegian Knut and his superb band team up with Sam, for their second album together, the follow up to the acclaimed 2011 project, "One Drop Is Plenty." The four year wait was well worth it, for this is a mighty album to match Sam's nickname. Not just for Sam's sublime soulful blues vocals either. Knut is a formidable guitarist and a world class blues harp player ... While the man may be gone, this album reminds us just how Mighty Sam McClain could be given the right tools; a microphone and a great band. Tears of the world is about right -".

Jazz special

Nr. 147 (2015)



Ole Nimand

Nr. 147 (2015)

"Den nu 77-årige svenske tenorsaxofonist er stadig i fuld vigør ... "Ballads" [emmer] af en tilbagelænet ro og afklaring, så alt virker legende let uden at være banalt. Som altid er Rosengrens spil flydende, logisk og her afslappet (...) og indimellem med en snert af det gamle metalliske attak".

Jazz special

Nr. 147 (2015)



Paul Brasso

Nr. 147 (2015)

"Veteranen Knut Reiersrud (...) dukker op i rigtig mange sammenhænge (herhjemme med Povl Dissing). Her med Sam McClain, som døde mere (aner)kendt i Norge end hjemme i USA, til at hæve det vokale niveau fra Reiersruds egen Que Sera, Sera-fortolkning. Generelt holder Sam McClain lydbilledet uforløst i en bedaget 1970er-soul-lyd, semi-funk og en lidt forsigtig southern soul-genskabning. Rigtigt nydeligt håndværk, der lever op til solisternes niveau, men ikke har retning og ikke rigtig kommer op at ringe".

Living blues

2015 October



Jim DeKoster

2015 October

"He could grab and hold your attention like few other singers, and, thanks to recordings like this, will continue to do so as the years go passing by".