Music / rock

Terms of surrender

Reviews (2)

Rolling stone

d. 20. Sep. 2019



John Dolan

d. 20. Sep. 2019

"Terms of Surrender' is a Sweet Record About Love, Family and Fighting Through Darkness ... MC Taylor delivers is a richly emotional country-soul LP with help from his kids and friends like Jenny Lewis".

The observer

d. 22. Sep. 2019



Kitty Empire

d. 22. Sep. 2019

"The prolific MC Taylor is a North Carolina-based musician with a sonorous but easy-going mission: to transform his inner questing into what sounds like mellow southern country-rock tunes, delivered in the off-hand manner of Dylan and cut through with humid soul. Taylor's spiritually restless ballads remain down-to-earth as he tries to square the lifestyle of a touring troubadour with his responsibilities as a father, husband and human being".