Music / klassiske symfonier

The 3 symphonies

Reviews (13)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"Here, in one convenient box, are all of Marin Alsop's Bernstein recordings for Naxos-eight CDs worth-performances as fine as Bernstein's own, and sometimes even better. This version of Mass, which Alsop regards as Bernstein's masterpiece, is the new reference version. Her accounts of the symphonies are fabulous, uniformly. Alsop chooses (mostly) the original version of Kaddish, and makes it work beautifully, despite all of the "talking" (as Bernstein put it). The choirs sing gloriously, with unusual clarity and intensity".

The observer

d. 5. Aug. 2018



Fiona Maddocks

d. 5. Aug. 2018

"Still not well known, these works are widely contrasting in style and far from the Bernstein of West Side Story ... [Kaddish is] where Pappano and his top-notch orchestra are particularly successful. With Josephine Barstow as narrator and a crisp, committed performance from the musicians, the work loses that old tendency to embarrass, and gains a natural dignity and joy. This is an invaluable set for anyone wanting to know more of Bernstein's concert works".

Presto classical

d. 24. Aug. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 24. Aug. 2018

"Recording of the week: Bernstein would surely have applauded the extrovert theatricality which Rana and Pappano's Roman orchestra bring to what Pappano calls the 'real American frolic' of The Masque, as well as the impassioned contribution of Canadian mezzo Marie-Nicole Lemieux in the Jeremiah Symphony ... Pappano's other trump card is the veteran dramatic soprano Josephine Barstow as narrator in the Kaddish, hurling out imprecations with the same venom which made her such a celebrated Lady Macbeth in the 1970s and 80s".


d. 2. Oct. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 2. Oct. 2007

"Bernstein er forrygende inciterende at se på. Man mærker prøvearbejdet bag. Han har ikke nødig at kontrollere det musikalske forløb i traditionel forstand. Han lever med på podiet og river alle med ... Wienerne er jo i forvejen på musikalsk hjemmebane og giver deres til en musiceren, som klinger varmt og autentisk".


d. 12. Mar. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 12. Mar. 2008

"Orkestret var dengang mere perfekt og klangsmukt spillende end i dag. Karajan var et teknisk geni, både hvad angik det orkestertekniske og det optagetekniske ... Klangen er dog ikke helt så fyldig som på de bedste optagelser i dag. De fire Brahms-symfonier filmet under koncertoptagelser i 1973 er tolket med dyb indsigt og vidunderligt spillet. Jeg kender ingen generelt bedre Brahms".

BBC music magazine

2007 November



Howard Goldstein

2007 November

"Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "Glorious Third symphony".

Classical music

2019 January



Colin Clarke (musikanmelder)

2019 January

"The age of Anxiety features the superb Italian pianist Beatrice Rana; is there higher praise than to state she loses little to Krystian Zimerman with Rattle? ... Rana takes Pappano's performance to a higher level, always incredibly sensitive, though her 'jazz' is a bit careful. Pappano conducts well if not radiantly. The Kadish ... is the most emotionally powerful performance. Josephine Barstow blistering as narrator, Nadine Sierra as a truly pure-voiced soloist and with superb choral contributions from the Accademia Nationale di Santa Cecilia".

BBC music magazine

2018 October



Geoff Brown (musikanmelder)

2018 October

"Rana glitters away at the piano as the observer of inner turmoil in Anxiety; Josephine Barstow makes an excellent first of Bernstein's often embarrassing Kaddish narration ... But the lynchpin remains Pappano, who enhances, whatever is genuinely lyrical, tones down the bombast, and tries to ignore the bathos. Some balance issues in Anxiety aside, these must be the symphonies' most accomplished recordings".

Fono Forum

2018 Oktober



Clemens Haustein

2018 Oktober

"Besonders Bernsteins erste Sinfonie "Jeremiah" gelingt hier fulminant".


2018, nr. 51



Jeppe Rönnow

2018, nr. 51

"Under Bernsteins egen dirigentstav kan man næsten høre den kolde krig rase - fremdriften er voldsom og aggressiv i 1977 ... I Pappano og det italienske Skt. Ceciclia Orkesters udgave er tilgangen væsentlig blidere, mere håbefuld og langtfra så voldsom ... En fælles humanitet tages for givet ... Pappano og Skt. Cecilia Orkestret trækker det storladne ud af Bernstein, og det klæder ham godt ... Bernstein ... ville blive glad for at se en dirigent, som forstår at tolke hans værker ind i sin egen tid".

The gramophone

2018 July



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2018 July

"Alsop's complete Bernstein recordings for Naxos helps focus an accurate perspective on Bernstein the composer, aided by some fascinating premiere recordings ... The most fascinating inclusion, aside from the revealing DVD 'Leonard Bernstein - Larger than Life', is a joint effort written by various composers ... in celebration of Bernstein's 70th birthdag. Called A Bernstein Birthday Bouquet, it's, in effect, a set of variations of 'New York, New York' from On the Town. You'll have fun spotting the other quotations, not only from Bernstein's own music but from that of Beethoven, Wagner and Bruckner. As for Alsop ... always there's that sense of enthusiastic authority, never overbearing (in the way Bernstein himself could be) which works in the music's favour".

The gramophone

2018 September



Edward Seckerson

2018 September

"Editor's choice - Recording of the month: Let me say straight away that these performances come at us with a theatricality that puts them firmly 'on stage' where they belong ... [Barstow] is tremendous and far and away the most exciting, the most affecting, the most probing narrator of any on disc ... Pappano's knowledge of, and seeming instinct for, Bernstein's sound world, rhythms and references, is hugely engaging - an excellent modern way of marking the composer's centenary".


2008 mars



Jean-Charles Hoffelé

2008 mars

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".