Music / rock

The 30th anniversary concert celebration

Reviews (4)





Richard Williams


"Some of the cuts made in order to squeeze a four and a half hour concert into a three-hour film - Sophie B. Hawkins, George Thorogood, Harrison's messy "If Not For You" - don't matter. But it's a shame they haven't included Dylan's own rendering of "Song To Woody", the first thing he sang on the night and a nod to the ostensible reason we were there, to recognise the anniversary of his Columbia debut, on which it had appeared, the first recorded evidence (discounting a talking blues) of the talent of the greatest songwriter of his era".

Gaffa [online]

d. 6. Mar. 2014



Espen Strunk

d. 6. Mar. 2014

"Den store aften i Madison Square Garden genudgivet i flere formater og med ekstramateriale - inklusive både uomtvistelige stjernestunder og mindre mindeværdige momenter. Skal vi koncentrere os om førstnævnte, er der tale om absolut glædelige gensyn med ikke mindst George Harrison, Dylan selv og en Lou Reed i sit es i Foot of Pride. Ekstramaterialet inkluderer tre hidtil uudgivne og da heller ikke strengt uundværlige optagelser".





Richard Williams


"Some of the cuts made in order to squeeze a four and a half hour concert into a three-hour film - Sophie B. Hawkins, George Thorogood, Harrison's messy "If Not For You" - don't matter. But it's a shame they haven't included Dylan's own rendering of "Song To Woody", the first thing he sang on the night and a nod to the ostensible reason we were there, to recognise the anniversary of his Columbia debut, on which it had appeared, the first recorded evidence (discounting a talking blues) of the talent of the greatest songwriter of his era".

Gaffa [online]

d. 6. Mar. 2014



Espen Strunk

d. 6. Mar. 2014

"Den store aften i Madison Square Garden genudgivet i flere formater og med ekstramateriale - inklusive både uomtvistelige stjernestunder og mindre mindeværdige momenter. Skal vi koncentrere os om førstnævnte, er der tale om absolut glædelige gensyn med ikke mindst George Harrison, Dylan selv og en Lou Reed i sit es i Foot of Pride. Ekstramaterialet inkluderer tre hidtil uudgivne og da heller ikke strengt uundværlige optagelser".