Music / blues

The blues came callin'

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 2. June 2014



Henrik Friis

d. 2. June 2014

"Akustiske, country-bluesede The Whale og Willie med den superseje bund får mine plusser på et album, der ellers præges af den højrøstede blues og de sprintende soloer, Trout er berømmet/berygtet for".

Blues rock review

d. 7. May 2014



Kevin O'Rourke

d. 7. May 2014

"Recorded over the last year, The Blues Came Callin' is a collection of 12 songs that collects Walter's thoughts about mortality and life."Wastin' Away" opens the album with his typical muscular blues rock punch and squarely deals with Walter's illness. He's not going to give up even though he's lost over 100 pounds due to his liver problem ... "Take a Little Time" is a '50s style Chuck Berry sound. Things pick up again with "Willie," which is a contemptuous indictment about management in the music business. On "Born in The City" Walter again lets the guitar step forward and do most of the rocking. "Tight Shoes" is an instrumental in the style of Freddie King".